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I am scheduled to have Mitral Valve surgery on 11/17 at NYU Medical Center by Dr. Galloway in NYC. I am terrified to go.. These are some of the funbers on my last 2 echos Left Atrium, Left Ventricle ESD, Left Ventricle 6.1 and 6.o Ejection fraction 60% IV Septum 9mm LV Posterior Wall . I have marked prolapse /mild flail of the aaaaap1 segment of the posterior mitral leafet noted along with moderate posterior annulus Calcific depositiin The remaining valves appear unremarkable. I tried to make copies of these reports but am un successful. I do have sever regurg 4+. I had a angiogram taken on 10/2 which shows cornary arteries with less that 40% stenosis which was told means nothing . My Pulmonary Artery was 54. On my Last echo it was 50 up 10 points from previous echo. I have no sob, few palps except on last holter I took which was very unllike past holters. I look healthy. I can not take a stress test as I had a bad accident 2 years ago and my leg oas broken in 14 places and cant not go on a treamill. The reason I took the angiogram is that 2 weeks after my last echo, I woke up feeling strange. So I took my BP it was the usual 110-120 over 60 or 65. However a red heart was flashing on the monitor and that means irregular heartbeat. I took my BP a few times more the irregular hear beat never went away. I called my Cardio and he said come right over. Put a Holter on me an made plans for rhe Angiogram. The second or third day the irregular heartbeat disappeared. I have the appointment for the MV repair on Monday but really dont want to go as I feel well. Many people get
afib or other arrythmias after surgery. From the facts I have given you do you think surgery is necessary. My Cardio who I have seen for 12 years just said after the last Echo surgery. Another Cardio at NYU said you can wait till you have problems. Surgeons always say operate. I am frightened and dont know what to do
afib or other arrythmias after surgery. From the facts I have given you do you think surgery is necessary. My Cardio who I have seen for 12 years just said after the last Echo surgery. Another Cardio at NYU said you can wait till you have problems. Surgeons always say operate. I am frightened and dont know what to do