Mitral Valve Surgery

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
I am scheduled to have Mitral Valve surgery on 11/17 at NYU Medical Center by Dr. Galloway in NYC. I am terrified to go.. These are some of the funbers on my last 2 echos Left Atrium, Left Ventricle ESD, Left Ventricle 6.1 and 6.o Ejection fraction 60% IV Septum 9mm LV Posterior Wall . I have marked prolapse /mild flail of the aaaaap1 segment of the posterior mitral leafet noted along with moderate posterior annulus Calcific depositiin The remaining valves appear unremarkable. I tried to make copies of these reports but am un successful. I do have sever regurg 4+. I had a angiogram taken on 10/2 which shows cornary arteries with less that 40% stenosis which was told means nothing . My Pulmonary Artery was 54. On my Last echo it was 50 up 10 points from previous echo. I have no sob, few palps except on last holter I took which was very unllike past holters. I look healthy. I can not take a stress test as I had a bad accident 2 years ago and my leg oas broken in 14 places and cant not go on a treamill. The reason I took the angiogram is that 2 weeks after my last echo, I woke up feeling strange. So I took my BP it was the usual 110-120 over 60 or 65. However a red heart was flashing on the monitor and that means irregular heartbeat. I took my BP a few times more the irregular hear beat never went away. I called my Cardio and he said come right over. Put a Holter on me an made plans for rhe Angiogram. The second or third day the irregular heartbeat disappeared. I have the appointment for the MV repair on Monday but really dont want to go as I feel well. Many people get
afib or other arrythmias after surgery. From the facts I have given you do you think surgery is necessary. My Cardio who I have seen for 12 years just said after the last Echo surgery. Another Cardio at NYU said you can wait till you have problems. Surgeons always say operate. I am frightened and dont know what to do
copy of 9/05/08 echo

copy of 9/05/08 echo

Value Normal Adult Value NmI. AbuI. Not Vis.
Aortic Root 3.0 em. <4.1 em.
Left Atrium 4.8 em. <4.0 em.
Left Ventricle ESD 4.0-4.1
Left Ventricle EDD 6.0-6.1 < 5.4 em.
Ejection Fraction 60% 50-70%
IV Septum 9mm. 7-11 mm.
LV Posterior Wall 9mm. 7-11 mm.
--- --- -- ------------
Both left heart chambers appear moderately dilated. The left ventricular wall thickness is normal, with the ejection fraction estimated in the 60% range. The right heart chambers are normal in size and wall thickness- with normal right ventricular contractility. No pericardial fluid is seen.
Both the proximal pulmonary artery and aortic root/ascending aorta are normal in size. The inferior vena cava appears unremarkable.
Marked prolapse/ mild flail of the PI segment of the posterior mitral leaflet is noted- along with moderate posterior annulus calcific deposition. The remaining heart valves appear unremarkable.
Doppler showed the following:
Severe eccentric antero-medial mitral regurgitation jet. Mitral E-wave velocity of 1.4-1.5 m/sec.
Trace/mild tricuspid regurgitation.
Estimated right ventricular systolic pressure in the 35-40 mm range.
Richard T. Kutnick, M.D.

11/05 echo will not print
Harmony, I think alot of us get second thoughts as the date gets closer...I know I did. I changed my date three times. I felt well too. To be honest with you, there are times that I'm glad that I had this surgery, and times that I wish I hadn't. I'm having rhythm issues now that I had not had to this extent before surgery. Would I have had them anyway? I'll never know. However, when I sit back and really pay attention to what is going on with my heart and how it makes me feel, I can tell the part that they "fixed" is better, better than it has ever been in my life. I have no sob any longer. I'm much more able to do physical activity than ever before. You may feel poorly without even recognizing it. If it has gradually been getting worse every year, your body learns to adjust to it. After the surgery, alot of people realize only then how bad their symptoms really were.

No one on here can tell you whether or not to go through with your surgery. This waiting part is the worst part of the whole process, hands down. If you have done your research, like and trust your Dr.'s, then move forward confident in your decision and don't look back.

Harmony, I had you on the calendar for the 18th, but just changed it to the 17th. I know how frightened you are and it is hard to go through this surgery when you are not experiencing any symptoms, but many do and find afterwards that they felt so much better and probably had symptoms that they weren't even aware of pre-surgery. You will be fine and I hope that you feel that calm and peace as you walk through the hospital doors as so many do. I will start a best wishes thread for you and hopefully, you will start to feel more confident in your decision.
IMHO, you are getting the operation at the perfect time. Your two left chambers will almost certainly go back to normal size once the valve is repaired (within the year afterwards). If you don't get it done, the two chambers will just keep getting more dilated.
I don't really understand all the statistics and things you quote, but I am due for a Mitral Valve replacement on tuesday the 18th coming too - I am maybe in a similar situation in that I feel TOTALLY HEALTHY - I had a couple of episodes of palpitations that I had to be cardioverted for, but even during these episodes I felt fine, not dizzy or anything - but clearly there is an issue.

Even though I feel totally normal, am still going to the gym etc I am having the surgery now - It was explained that it is entirely my choice and I can wait 2,3 maybe even more YEARS to have the surgery, but they would rather do it now - If I have the surgery now and it is a success theres a good chance that I will actually be normal, recover from the dilated chamber I have and not have any more palpitations - having the surgery now will make me healthier in the long run. Whereas the alternative of waiting 4 years for the operation would mean the operation would be critical then to my survival, it would be life saving rather than preventative, and it probably would be too late to stop the palpitations.... so it would save my life, but not cure me... Man im waffeling :)...

Im having the operation now while im healthy, and also because the waiting is terrible, I would rather take the chance now, I think I would go crazy waiting for years, always knowing that my health is deteriorating, and that I will need major surgery anyway, which might not even help me cos I put it off....
I'm a ding dong who waited a couple of years for the surgery. There were other things going on in my life and I felt that I just couldn't cope with it. Well, when I could barely walk and my cardio forbid me to drive the car, I knew my time had come.
"just do it".
Thank you all for your good wishes. I am trying to hold it together. It is not easy. I note that everyone here is so much younger than me. I look much younger thank I am. I am 70 and people never think I am more than 50. Usually younger. So if something goest wrong in the operation people will say I led a long life. I would like to know if anyone has arrythmias, a fib, migraines or anything they did not have before. Do you really feel better since surgery. I really have no symptoms some times a little sob but usually when the weathe is bad in NY. I have a PFO they will close and hopefully it will take away my headaches and migraines. Maybe they will find something to take away my acne, Women my age worry about wrinkles but not me I worry about pimples. Dont mind what I am writing just feeling anxious and again that feeling of why me. See you all soon I hope

Harmony (Rhonda)
Hi Harmony. Although I was considered asymptomatic until a couple of months before I had my surgery, I do have more energy than I used to. It's not a huge difference, but I know it's not my imagination.
I really hate to post this However about 1 hour ago I canceled my surgery for tomorrow. I am really sorry I did it. It is just too much for me to handle alone. I worry about where my possesions will be. They dont seem to lock anything up. Dont know what will happen to my keys or any money I take for cab fare.My husband is totally unsupportive which makes it really difficult. I probably made a horrible mistake in canceling. I have a cold and a tooth ache which makes it worse. Some one wrote they have rhythm problems since the surgery. That worries me as I have none now. Why would I have surgery to feel worse. Two years ago I had a terrible accident and things have never been the same. They probably never will be. I am sorry to have to write this letter
Rhonda, I am so sorry that you are facing this indecision about the operation. If you have a cold and a tooth ache, you are probably not a candidate for surgery until you are better anyhow, but please talk to the doctor to see if there is counseling available to help you with this decision. It sounds like you could really use a support system to help you through this. We will always be here to help and offer hugs, but that is no substitute for real "live" support.
I really hate to post this However about 1 hour ago I canceled my surgery for tomorrow. I am really sorry I did it. It is just too much for me to handle alone. I worry about where my possesions will be. They dont seem to lock anything up. Dont know what will happen to my keys or any money I take for cab fare.My husband is totally unsupportive which makes it really difficult. I probably made a horrible mistake in canceling. I have a cold and a tooth ache which makes it worse. Some one wrote they have rhythm problems since the surgery. That worries me as I have none now. Why would I have surgery to feel worse. Two years ago I had a terrible accident and things have never been the same. They probably never will be. I am sorry to have to write this letter

Rhonda what you've posted is serious and requires immediate attention. I'm not trying to scare you, I'm only telling you the facts as I see them.

Please please please reschedule this operation as soon as possible. Let God worrry about the things your worrying about now and get yourself taken care of. The longer you put this off, the more damage is being done to your heart. Cardiologists are notorious for wanting to wait for bad symptoms, but by then, the damage is done and usual irreversable. Surgeons would rather get to it before damage sets in so that whatever has happened, can be reversed. You've already had arrythmias, so this is a danger signal. You should move on it now.

You'll feel bad for a while after surgery, but over time, you should improve greatly. You may not feel bad now, but look at how many others never felt bad and just plain fell over dead. I know your frightened, but todays heart surgery is highly refined and mortality risks are very low, even for someone like yourself. One thing is certain, if you don't have this surgery, your not going to be around much longer, so please get yourself repaired. ;)
Rhonda, I'm very sorry if my post scared you about having rhythm issues now that I didn't have before surgery. I hate to think that that caused you to cancel your surgery. Re-read my post though....I said I've not had them to this EXTENT...I've always had rhythm problems MY WHOLE LIFE and as someone else said, I may very well be having these now becuase I waited so long to have surgery (only because my local Dr's didn't even tell me that it was a possibility that I would need it again in my life, and then when I finally showed up at the Mayo Clinic they were like "Where have you been? Why haven't you already had this done?").

We all know how you feel here. It is very SCARY. However, I promise you that what you are going through now, the waiting, the anxiety, the doubts, are so much worse than the actually procedure.

I can't imagine what it feels like to have no support at home behind you. That has to be very difficult.

I think if you can get peace of mind about your "things", you will be able to move forward easier. If I were you, I would call the nurses station on the cardiac floor and explain to them your situation. Ask for their help, I'm sure they have had patients who didn't have family around to help them before. As for your money for cab fare, is it possible to pay with a credit card? Can you leave your money at home and then when the cab gets you there you go in and get it for them?

When I had second thoughts, I called all of my Dr's and went over everything one more just confirmed what I knew I needed to do. If you think that will help settle your questions, do it. I think if you reach out to people, you'd be surprised how many will be willing to help you.

Sorry to hear you've cancelled your surgery. The doctors wouldn't be recommending OHS if they didn't think you absolutely needed it.

I was asymptomatic pre-op - in other words I felt fine with no noticable symptoms. Yet, the doctors said I need a mitral valve repair asap because of damage my heart was starting to get internally. It was only a matter of time before I would absolutely start getting symptoms and by that time really serious, and permanent, damage could be done. It's true I don't feel better than ever post-op, because I didn't feel bad before, and in some respects I feel worse because my incision bothers me sometimes. However, despite this I have absolutely no regrets about having OHS. I know that on the inside, the damage that was done to my heart has now reversed itself, my heart chambers have returned to normal size and the heart walls have strengthened. Your heart keeps you alive so if you need OHS then you need to do it. The alternative is much worse.

Don't worry about material things like your possessions in the hospital. Those can be replaced (...but I'm sure they will be fine). Your life cannot. I do hope you reconsider and do what needs to be done. Ultimately, it's your decision. Best wishes and good luck with whatever decision you make.
Rhonda..... I worry for you having cancelled your surgery. There is no chance your heart will heal itself. It is progressive and will only get worse. As I have mentioned before, there is a point where surgery is no longer an option. When my cardio knew I was trying to push it off, he clearly stated to me 'There is a point of no return.'

To go through this without support is very difficult but can be done. Please seek help from the professionals. All of your issues can be handled.

Why not go visit the Cardiac Floor where you would be treated. Speak face to face with the nurses and tell them your fears and concerns? You may be very surprised how helpful and supportive they will be. They probably will show you where and how they will take care of the things about which you are concerned. You are not the first patient who needed property safeguarded. They assuredly have a method.

Please reconsider and reschedule.
We can only help you just so much here and we will do all we can but you need help from the professionals.

A little xanax might be helpful as well.

My heart is going out to you and my prayers you reconsider and reschedule. Please let us know how you are doing and what choices you continue to make.

You will be on my mind.
Although it is probably good that you are not having the surgery tormorrow since you have a cold, you absolutely have to reschedule. What everyone has said about a point of no return is true.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take care of this when you are feeling better. I know you are scared. I would be worried if you weren't. You don't want to wait until you are really symptomatic to have the surgery. You do not want your heart working harder than it has to, or harder than it is right now. Like you, I had my doubts and wanted to cancel. I had the surgery and my little ticker thanks me every day it doesn't have to pump twice as hard. You'll find the strength and when you are recovered you will help others in the same situation.

This is an amazing site for support!! I certainly had a lot of my questions answered just by reading posts when I was recovering from MY OHS. I don't usually post that often. I like to stay in the background, but when I saw how distressed you were I was hoping I could give a few words of encouragement.

There are also other organizations you can look to for support. Have you asked you Doctor's office of the hospital you will be having the surgery at? Maybe there is a Mended Hearts Chapter near you. I know you said your husband isn't that supportive, but do you have a family member? Please keep us posted

Take care
P.S. You'll find the strength!! Heart patients are a special breed(exuse the terminology). I think you all know what I mean.....
I am terribly sorry about what I wrote. I did not mean it the way it sounded. You are a very courageous person to say To be honest with you, there are times that I'm glad that I had this surgery, and times that I wish I hadn't. Most people probably think this but would never say it. I have a cousin who had MV surgery about 10 years ago. We are not blood cousins. Most of her family has had heart problems. She was one of the most beautiful women you will ever see. I was shocked when I saw her a couple of years ago. She has a-fib constantly. It has never been able to convert to normal rythm. It is not you who made me change my mind or even my cousin. Things are just unbelievable in my home. I know my husband is scared that something will happen to me but he is not at all supportive. You say you changed your mind 3 times. Well so far I changed mine twice in one day. As its only 7pm I have lot of time to get some more changes in. So as of now its on again. I probably do not have a cold probably a allergy. My tooth pain is weird it comes and goes. Sometimes upper, sometimes lower, left, right. In June it took the Dentist 4 months to figure which tooth needed root canal. I will not go through with that again.
As they say here See You on th Other Side of the Mountain) (hope I have that right.) As I was rereading this my husband said to me I hope you will not find out you made a wrong decision. This is what I have been going throught for weeks now.. Think I will go back to counting vitamins. I take 15 a day
You say you changed your mind 3 times. Well so far I changed mine twice in one day. As its only 7pm I have lot of time to get some more changes in. So as of now its on again.

Rhonda, You are entitled to change your mind as often as you like, just don't change it so often that you jeopardize your health. I actually changed mine much more than three...those were just three times that I actually told the Dr's that I was changing it....LOL. I'm lucky that my husband hung around, I know that I drove him CRAZY.

I have a feeling that you are a tough bird who will come out just fine at the end of the day. I think you have already been through situations that are much worse than what you are facing now. Good luck to you what ever you decide to do. Please know that we are all here happy to lend an ear whenever you need it.


I've met Dr Galloway 2x and he will probably operate on me to repair my MV. He is a top notch, world class surgeon. You are lucky to have him doing the operation..

The fear is the worst part, you have to let it go and push the fear into another part of your brain. It's not helpful for some people (myself included) to think too much about the details.