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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I just answered Nancy in another thread. I pushed 'submit' and it just sat there. I pushed it again and it said 'sorry - can't post twice' but it went back to my post that was sitting there ready to go. I finally tried it again and it went. Maybe this is why I have not seen several of my posts in the forum. Anyone else having this problem?
If anyone is, please speak up. I cannot find anything wrong on our servers end. I think these posts are getting delayed and lost from between your ISP and the forum server.
That could be, Ross. I failed to take into consideration my two for five cents server! They are baaaad but they are what we've got and have managed to stay in business for several years while our others have fallen by the wayside, so I have to stick. We'll see if anyone else has a problem.
I've had that problem from time to time also. I think it's related to "noise" on my phone line interfering with the transfer of data, since I have dial-up. I use the slower speed dial-up because no one else does, and I rarely get disconnected.

Every once in a while, this computer stuff gets a little "hitch in it's git-along", I've stopped trying to figure out why, just either reload or come back later, or if it gets too funky, then I do a complete maintenance (delete and defrag).

Computers are more ornery than a two-yead old child.
Hi all,

This was something I have noticed. Mentioned it to Hank and he said it will be added on the list of "to do's". :)
I think I know the answer now, your working off line and click reply and think you sent it. yeah, yeah, that's the answer. :D

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