Missing Child

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I live in Bassett, Va. I know some of you may have seen on the news about a missing child from this area. There is and AMBER ALERT out on the child. Her parents were both shot to death in the home and 9 year old Jennifer Short was taken by her parents killers. It happend between 12am and 9 am when they were found. Giving the time line The girl may not even be in Virginia anymore. I know that everyone in here's from all over the place. I'm giving a link to our local News Paper so you can read the story and see her pic. Maybe you could even pass this link on to everyone you know also. I think the more this picture gets out there the better the chances for this girl. Thank you all!!!! http://www.martinsvillebulletin.com/
Hi Kerri - haven't seen you for awhile - welcome back - I have watched CNN faithfully with regards to little Jennifer. You are certainly doing your part to put out the news for all of us to be watchful. What an awful tragedy it is. What are people thinking of when they take the life of a little one in their hands and just destroy it as if it's nothing. Thanks for posting - and God bless
I find it so terribly distressing that there have been so many, many abductions of children recently. My heart aches every time I watch news of these events. It's really beyond belief that there would be so many sick people who would want to harm children or anyone, for that matter.

I hope little Jennifer is found soon.