minimally invasive aortic valve replacement

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Hi, I'm new to the site, just found it yesterday researching the availability of minially invasive aortic valve replacement surgery in Seattle, where I live.
I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, and have been lucky to be pretty much asympomatic until recently. I have been doing worse over the last 4 or 5 months, and much worse over the last month or so.

My 3rd cath/angiogram in 30 years is scheduled for Aug 19th. The first two were when I was 20. The surgery will be scheduled sometime after that. My cardiologist said he would be happy to send me to anyone I choose, so I am trying to find a good surgeon in the Seattle area.

My sister is a nurse in San Antonio, TX, and spoke with a cadiologist she respects. He does robotic surgery but I guess that's not really an option with the aortic valve yet. I have found a couple of names here in town and will run them by her and my cardio as well.

I haven't had dizziness, just this pulling sensation across my chest on the slightest exerction. It used to just come when I walked uphill. I used to think I didn't want surgery, but if it takes me back to my old self, bring it on! I feel so helpless!
Welcome to this site. This is a great place to learn about your medical condition
Ask all the questions you like, everyone around here is great. :D
Missed your first post and hope that the cath went well and you were able to find a surgeon you like and have faith in. Please let us know how you are doing!
cath etc

cath etc

I had the catheteristion Friday, Aug 19th. The good news is my coronary arteries are "clean as a whistle" according to my cardiologist. The bad news is that my aorta has reduced in size from "moderately stenosed" in May to .69 cm at the cath. I have been feeling pretty ridiculous, having to sit much of the time, being driven a 1/2 block (up a pretty steep hill) to my favorite coffeehouse, having to sit pretty still for an hour after eating or I get pretty bad chest pain. That's been my only symptom, chest pain or tightness. No heavy legs, no light headedness, no arm pain, just specific spots of pain in my chest or tension across my chest. Stops me pretty quick. I have my first appointment with Christopher Davis, my choice for a cardiac surgeon at Swedish hospital in Seattle in 2 days. I will get my surgery scheduled then. Anyone else have any experience with him?

I am looking forward to surgery, I want my life back!!
I don't know anything about your surgeon (sorry) but was wondering since I am in Seattle as well and will be going to Swedish for the surgery how you came across his name? I was referred to Dr. Joseph Teply and my cardiologist felt he was a really great surgeon. He said I needed a really good one because of the complexity of my surgery. They will be removing a membrane covering my aortic valve and I may also need a valve replacement. He said the membrane surgery is very rare and felt Dr. Teply was the man. But it's hard to know or figure out who are really good surgeons and if I want a 2nd opinion I would love to know if your surgeon came highly recommended. I will meet with my surgeon for the first time tomorrow. Best of luck to you!!! Jeanne :)
valve surgeons

valve surgeons

I came across Dr. Davis name on the Swedish website. A friend of mine has a friend who had valve replacement surgery with Dr. Davis and was quite pleased. My cadiologist, Dr. Rubin Maidan said Dr. DAvis was good as did one of the nurses in the cath lab. I was also given the name of your surgeon by a friend who has a friend who had her valve replaced by him and was also pleased. when are you having surgery? I am going in tomorrow. I am so tired lately I am more than ready for it. I will probably get a little nervous tomorrow morning, thats what I do, but won't have time for it as I am getting to Swedish @ 6:30 am and getting prepped pretty quickly. My mom and partner will be there and I am glad about that. They can do my worrying for me, they are both good at that. :rolleyes:
Best of luck tomorrow - we'll be waiting to hear that it all went well and you're doing fine. If you can get someone to post we'd sure like it.

Next week this time you'll be all done and home (probably).

Be thinking of you tomorrow.
I put you on the calendar for tomorrow and we wish you a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. I hope someone will be able to post for you.
Good luck tomorrow. It should be smooth sailing, so relax and know you're in expert hands.


Thanks to all of you, going out the door now for the big day. I've told my partner and mom to post. que