my hubby goes for his pre op orientation on June 7th . The Doc who is doing the surgery told us that my hubby would probly have the minimal invasive surgery , mind you that its been almost 3 months since we got news he needed surgery and a week before seeing the surgeon he had an eco done , long story as to why it has taken so long. Im wondering if another one will be done at the pre op due to maybe some changes. Hes having a valve replacement . I know the doc knows best and I trust his judgment but because there could be possible changes from waiting so long is minimal invasive the right choice ? I wont whats best for hubby and im all for the minimal invasive ( shorter recovery and less pain) from what ive been told . Is their anyone here who went thru the same thing and did you have an eco done right before surgery ? I will be asking on monday about but just wanted to hear from someone on here. Thanks