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Even with my trip to the ER last night after panicking over what was just PVCs things get better each day. Sleeping is my only problem, I've been having horrible nightmares everynight since surgery, waking up confused and freaked out, and having trouble falling asleep due to the pounding PVCs and my gurgling lungs. When I can sleep a full night again I will be the happiest person ever. Tonight I'm trying ambien, my cardio gave me the ok, it didn't work well for me in the past but maybe this time, I can only hope.

What meds are you on? Some can cause awful nightmares

Glad to learn your finding some good days. My best milestone so far has been driving. I was 4 weeks post-op yesterday and ran a lot of errands yesterday and today. It felt great to be free again and my next milestone begins Friday with the beginning of cardio rehab. I think that will give me the confidence to push myself harder than I have done so since my 2 a-fib incidents last week.

Michelle, the lungs will get better, but it does take time. I had really wet lungs before my MVR - to the point my former internist thought I had asthma, not a heart problem. It easily took a month after surgery for them to clear up. Keep working with your spirometer, and sleep propped up or in your recliner a little while longer.
I'm already tired of sleeping on my back, but can't sleep on my sides yet. Last night I wanted to wake up hubby and have him prop me up on the body pillow he got for me, but he was sleeping so well, I didn't want to disturb him.

Unfortunately, the PVCs may make it more difficult to clear your lungs, if you've got enough to keep you disturbed, because of course it's not efficient functioning/circulation.
2 days I recieved an injection of lasix, I'm not sure how much but I lost 5 lbs and my lung isn't gurgling anymore. So I think that is what I needed for the plueral effusion to get kicked. I'm now back to my college weight. I was actually quite shocked at how much can change in two days.
I drove at night today, blasting Elvis Costello with the sun roof open and it felt amazing. I felt free and like a human again. I also went to a bar (I didn't drink) and saw an 80's cover band and hung out with a friend. It was my first normal day since surgery. It's been one month and two days. Also I took my first bath. It's been a fantastic day. Last night I slept great with the ambien.
That's fabulous!

I can't wait to have a real bath, as a good hot soak will help the back and shoulder aches, IMHO. Those last forever, it seems.
A friend has invited me over for some evening soaks in their hot tub once I'm all healed up, too.
Michelle, This sound great. When did the doctor tell you that you could drive. I need to call mine and find out. Had surgery one month ago today, but have been out of hospital for just over two weeks. I know I am not supposed to bathe until incision is healed. Is yours healed? Cant wait to start living again.

My doctor cleared me for driving at 4 weeks. Today I'm at 5 weeks. My eyes have a hard time focusing when it's really bright so I drive in the dark. It's been over a week since I had any sign of scabs so I'm assuming it's healed up. Today I'm having new problems. I all of a suddened ended up with pain in my left collar bone and in a half dollar sized area beneath my left breast. I can't figure out why, it's a sharp pain when I breathe. Well at least I had four good days, as long as this last less than three I'm satisfied I just hope it's not another round of pleural effusion.
Michelle, Do you think it is something with lungs? That is kind of where I had pain when lung collapsed, but it was right lung. I don't really know and dont want to alarm you, but I am just wondering. My incision still has scabs and some slight redness at bottom. Still have scabs where chest tubes were. I hope this pain does not last long for you and that you are feeling better soon. Will it ever end? Wondering if I will ever have my old life back...

I ant handle a collapsed lung right now, I'm too mentally fragile. How did they find out? With an x-ray? If I have to have one more CT I'll scream.

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