Michael Jackson dead!

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I hope this is okay to post here. I just had a strange realization this morning. I had forgotten yesterday that my father died in 1985 on June 25 at age 50 of heart failure (probably due to alcoholism). Anyway, I turn 50 this year, and the whole thing just momentarily weirded me out. Now I return to the regularly scheduled purpose of this thread.

I think Jackson's fame, and the suddenness of his death, helped the overshadowing of Farrah's coverage. In either case, they are tragic losses.

I was not a fan of Jackson's personal life, as my perception of him goes. I was however a fan of his music, with "Off The Wall" and "Thriller" being his best efforts.

Farrah was a beautiful woman and was on Charlie's Angels. That's about all I really know about her. I knew about her knock out performance in "Burning Bed," but didn't see it. That was the first time I knew that she could really act.

Then Ed McMahon, someone I always liked, but I can't tell you why. It has been so long since I saw him with Johnny Carson (the only legitimate Tonight Show host, IMHO).

What a week!

Interesting and perceptive posts. Life is full of weird coincidences, isn't it? I share most of your opinions -- even though I am appalled by the excesses of media coverage, I found myself caught up somewhat in Jackson's music, even though I am a certified curmudgeon. He was a force, no doubt. Farrah was a gorgeous Charlie's Angel, but now she is an angel, and we will remember her for her brave battle against cancer.

And I completely agree about the "Tonight" show -- Carson and McMahon was a combo that can never be topped!
I agree with what Gina said, about Farrah taking a "backseat" so to speak. Maybe this is a positive thing, though for her family, and very close friends. I can not imagine having someone I dearly loved dying, and being the focus of all the media hype. Then again, that's me. I am a very private person.
Regarding Michael Jackson, you know who I feel sorry for, his children. They have always been in the spot light but now they will be hounded something fierce. Poor kids! ! Let's remember them in our prayers.

I did like his music (and I'm old) also liked to see him dance. I didnt like some of his gestures while he was dancing but I realize that was performing.:)

Farrah, she will be missed. My oldest daughter could always wear her hair like she did, in fact people always told her she looked just like her. I read somewhere where Ryan and her were supposed to marry. How sad that never came through for them although they lived together for years and it seems like he was there for her at the end.

Ed, well he was just part of "Here's Johnny." He was never the same after Johnny died.

Patrick Swatze (spelling) will probably be next. I saw him on a magazine cover and he looked like death warmed over. Poor man! !
Just seems to me that some of these stars have it all and it is never enough for them, (example: anna nichole, elvis) I think it was drug related myself. May he rest in peace now, because he never seemed happy on this earth! I am already tired of hearing about it on the news, people just go crazy over stuff like this!
Farrah was a fighter! Now she rest in the arms of the angels in heaven! God rest her soul!
I feel very bad for Farrah. She was a real fighter. Michael Jackson.........sad situation. I liked his early music, loved the Thriller music. He really got messed up. He had a lot of talent and he got to weird for me. At times, just downright disgusting. I feel for both familes.
The networks are saying he was given Demerol (powerful narcotic that most of us might be familiar with, but in a hospital of course!) and his breathing became shallow, and he died. I think the toxicology report will tell them alot more drugs were in there too. His own mother said he was given Demerol and takes xanax "several" times a day. When did Michael become Wacko Jacko? Why does this happen to people? They start to trust their "handlers"(read enablers) ...Anna Nicole Smith comes to mind. His music will live on. Farrah was a beautiful actress...seems to me anal cancer should be reserved for murdering pedophilics.