Don't get me wrong I didn't mind that someone was visiting but I think he just said the wrong things. I don't care if I look great if I feel like crap. I don't get that anymore, I've lost a lot of weight and prednisone gave me horrible skin. So now people don't bother me with that anymore. I look like crap and feel kind of okay. So people ask me how I'm feeling so I can answer with honesty rather than figuring out how to reply to "I can't believe you just had surgery and you are walking around in public". Nobody said that literally. Sorry I'm long winded. I just think some people are overly sensitive (myself included), and others can be boorish. I'm a terrible person to try to say encouraging things to, you can thank Sartre and Schopenhauer for that. But I need to be a little more Dalai Lama and Mr. Rogers.