Member's relatives captured by Somali pirates; please keep them in your prayers

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Prayers have been offered.

This isn't something you ever expect to read. My goodness, what a nutty world we live in.
I regret to learn of this Mary and I'll keep Wendy's family in my thoughts. This hits close to home as my son's colleagues were kidnapped off the coast of Nigeria in 2006 and held captive by a militant movement called "MEND". At the end of the day they were all released for ransom. I'm not looking forward to next week when my son returns to Nigeria as an ex-pat since MEND has given notice they will begin attacks on oil companies in the Niger Delta and the Gulf of Guinea. My son loves the adventure - what can I say..
Thanks for starting this thread and remembering Debbie & Bruno in your prayers. We have heard nothing, but are still hoping and praying for some good news.
Thanks Again & Love to you all
Wendy & family