Member of the polar bear club

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
All is not gloom and doom at our house. This is what happened today.

It's quite cold here today, but we've had some warm weather. Our little Shih Tzu puppy, Harriet, decided to walk across the "frog pond" in the front yard. It pretty good sized and varies in depth from knee high to up to my waist in places. As luck would have it, the ice broke and she fell in. I had to run out on the ice to rescue her, breaking it as I walked. It was maybe 2 inches thick in some spots and broke into shards as I moved along. I ended up on my backside in the freezing cold, quite dirty water, but managed to rescue Harriet.

She was wild with excitement. Not the least bit scared after she got out, running around like crazy.

I managed to get the "mother of all" hematomas on my leg from a very sharp piece of ice which banged into my leg, and of course got very, very wet. Joe had to come out and give me some help to get out. He wishes he had a camera.

Harriet headed right for the pond, the next time I took her out, but didn't go in. Hopefully she learned a lesson, but the jury's out on that.

Ah, puppies!
Hi Nancy,

Glad that you, Harriet and Joe are all OK!!! Perhaps you should take Harriet up to Lake George for the "real" Polar Bear Club swim next year...sounds like she will be up for it! I didn't know that that breed liked water.

We had a Bouvier des Flandres at one point, and I came home just after we got him to check on him at lunch time and found him sitting in a neighbor's pond. He had been tied on a run, but that clearly was not going to hold him. He looked like a bear sitting in the pond.

Dogs do add interest to your life, don't they.

Take care,

AVR 10/99, St.Judes valve, St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, NY
Hi Nan-

Fellow tri-cities resident. I see you had your surgery at St. Peter's in Albany. Joe's surgeon is a member of the same group that operates out of St. Peter's. Which doctor did your surgery?

They are a marvelous cardiac surgery group.


Sounds like you and Joe got a good laugh over Harriet's little adventure. Too bad you missed the Kodak moment.

Can I send Gyzmo to train with her for the next polar bear club outing?!
Hi Nancy,

I read the Harriet and the frog pond post and got a real chuckle out of it.

If Joe had taken a video of the rescue, we could show it at one of the reunions or sell it as a fund-raiser for Hank.;)

It seems like things are never dull around your house. Isn't life grand!!!

Ron K
Thanks Nancy!

Thanks Nancy!

Ahhh, Nancy! Thank you for letting me hear how other folks' crits lead them a merry chase also. Now I'll remember I'm not alone.
Hi Nancy

My doctor was Dr. Richard Dalcol. I agree that they are a fine medical group and I really liked Dr. Dalcol. Unfortunately for me, he could not fit an adult size valve in my heart, some kind of birth defect where the top of my heart and aortic root is very small. Even when he did an aortic root enlargement, the only thing he could fit in was the smallest valve St. Jude's makes, a size 17. It has been causing me some problems.

AVR 10/99
St. Peter's, Albany, NY
Dear Nancy:

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

What a hoot of a story. However, we are all so glad that you didn't get worse than the mother of a hematoma, and perhaps a bruised rear end.

Best of luck today with your Dr. appt. with Joe!
