Melissa's Successful Repair

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19-Aug-03 05:20 PM - Jodi : Melissa was moved to her room G100-29 and is doing very well. She says she can already feel a big difference in how much more efficiently her heart is doesn't sound sluggish anymore. She has been dozing and feels pretty good but is naucious from the anesthesia. She looks great and has very good coloring.


Right on, Melissa! You must be doing something right. :)

Hope to hear from you soon.
I'm delirious for you

I'm delirious for you

Couldn't be happier with this outcome. And Pillarpaul's right - must be all that rarified air out there to have two repairs on our Coloradans.

Thanks, Jodi, for posting for Melissa.

Just whistlin' a happy tune for you, kid.