Well-known member
I am angry because no one told me about this implant. I was also in the hospital 2 weeks not because the operation did not go well. They would not let me out sooner even though nothing was wrong. They said I was condused. Of course I was confused they never gave me food never took me out of bed. My husband was very upset. He thought I would die. Now they send me this thing from Medtronic. I picked Dr Galloway to do my surgery because he has a great reputation and said he could do a minimal invasive surgery. I have 2 small scars one on top of my breast and one under it. Before surgery I was never really sick. However I think things were changing. My PH was high and I had irregular heart beats. I am really angry that all my doctors never mentioned I would have an implant and who knows what else. Everyone only told me how well I looked. Why did they not tell me the truth. I am trying to find the article written by Dr's Galloway and Colvin on how they worked days on the furture band rig.