I wear my bracelet 24/7 (except in the shower as I mentioned before) .
I think the more places this kind of life-saving info is, the better ! I think that is a good idea, but I don't own a car (so no tags) and don't drive, either, so that would be pretty useless. Also, what if you were driving someone else's car. I think we should all have one government-issued ID number, use it for life, and ALL our info is stored on it, in secure layers. I am sure it is possibe for the the police to access driving information, EMS to access medical records and tax people to access tax records from the same card or number without having access to the other's info. I also think we are a little hysterical about privacy these days. I mean, seriously folks, you can walk into any Radio Shack and buy for about $10 equiment to bug my phone - but who would want to? and who would have time to go through all that to listen to me chat with my mother?