Medical ID bracelets

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Originally Posted by ctyguy
Ive heard "you in good health, you wearing that to get attention ? sympathy ?" I want to show them just how good of health Im in by doing some jumping jacks on their forehead !

Tell those people that you are very happy you are to be in perfect health, and you want to stay so, and this is how you do need to get the paramedic's attention--the important people's and life saviors' attention not just anyone's attention!

And educate those ignorants on the importance of how to handle ACT in case of emergency! :)
I've worn a 14k gold medical alert pendant and necklace for almost 18 years. Never take it off. I've worked on cars, farm tractors, boat motors, ATV's and lawn mowers (no airplanes) with no problem. :)

Mine shows if I have couple buttons open, of which I usually do.
Dan, that looks really interesting - effective and cheap! Wonder when they'll roll it out up here in Canada, and with privacy laws these days, what will heppen when they try to take it international. If it is only in the US, Canadian EMS won't be able to use it if you are up here and something happens.
I have used for years.. I love their styles..

Ross they do make some very nice male versions
I kind seriously like the tatoo idea. One could get a tatoo with the medical alert symbol and the same information you'd have on a bracelet. You wold never leave home without it.

Poping someone in the nose regardless of if they needed it is not something one wants to do. The legal costs are substantial. An expensive lesson.