Your post on why you chose a mechanical valve was one the the BEST posts I have read on choosing a valve.
( with 4,109 posts on VR.Com, I have read many
) First time I have read someone to say..the stress of waiting before surgery...and the stress that will come a year before the next surgery( choosing a tissue first time)....because you said the word..calculaing the time.. Most people say..I hope my tissue will last me 15 years, ect....but, have often wondered..if they calulate the last few years..the waiting, doctor appointments, ect...getting ready for their next surgery....Also, the family thing..I never want my family to have to sit in a waiting room and worry about me....My big, burly policeman son needed a good-feel shot..worse than me.
..and daughter taking a week off from work to be with me in hospital....I was so lucky to have been married to my hubby for 35 years..and he took great care of me post-op...and still do
......I think everyone has their own reasons for choosing a certain valve..and most have thought it out carefully...and ANY valve they choose is a good one..That's why we are all still here.
Didn't mean to hijack this thread..Just impressed with your post...Bonnie
Your post on why you chose a mechanical valve was one the the BEST posts I have read on choosing a valve.