maxximom's birthday - Joan

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Now you have two happy birthdays from me. I posted it in pre-surgery by mistake. But have a wonderful birthday. Do something wonderful for yourself. God bless:) :D
Well then, I'll have to say 2 thank you's!!:) :D ;)
Rhan you, thank you for remembering my big 71st birthday!! It was only a few short months ago..that I was so afraid I wouldn't reach this day!! Then..I found this wonderful website and all of you terrific people..and found out that you all survived your surgeries just fine..and so would I. So now its salmost 5 months post op and here I am with 3 new artery grafts and a nice new piggy aortic valve..and I'm doing fine..and I'm grateful to all of you for helping me along the thank you...thank you!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm sure Maxx will give you a nice big schmoozey, juicy, slurpy kiss for all of us for your birthday. Enjoy your day.
Belated Happy Birthday

Belated Happy Birthday

Hi Joan,

I'm sorry I missed your birthday. I was up in Vermont visiting my son and his computer was down, so I could check in for almost a week. I would have sent my birthday greeting sooner if I could have.

How are you doing now? Have you completed the rehab program you told me about? I remember you saying how you hated to get up early to make those sessions. Are you going on your own schedule now and sleeping later in the mornings?

Thanks again for the e-mail you sent regarding U. of Penn Hospital. The info was reassuring, even though your daughter didn't know my surgeon personally.

I'm getting a little anxious now. I'm still scheduled for the 26th for the valve replacement and repair. I hope nothing happens to delay it. I want to get it over with and get on with my life.

Take care ... Ron K
Thanks for the birthday wishes

Thanks for the birthday wishes

Thank you all for the birthday wishes..believe me in September..I wasn't sure that I would be here to enjoy them:)
Ron..I know the time is getting closer for you..You will do FINE..I'm sure of it!! If my daughter can help in any way..please let me know!!..Yes..I'm still going to re-hab (and whinning about it 3X a week) I have another week to go..then I will continue to work out without as much medical supervision and on my own hours (believe me it will be at least 2 hours later) If I don't sign up at the fitness center and pay $$$$ I'll never excersise the way I know that I need to..I have absolutly NO disaplin at all.
I know that I have to do it and I I am sure that I will continue to complain about how much I hate it..I'm afraid that the "runners high" will never happen for me!! LOL