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Have heard from nurse concerning ct scan.
I have to see cardio next Wednesday, she stated many blockages in both legs....I am headed for the tunnel..may see light soon. Love the pup:eek:
What are the options for dealing with the blockages? I assume they're clots?
I hope you're not counting on going too far, because I intend to visit you on a trip south one of these days.:)
I dont know if they are clots or plaque...severe arteriosclerosis..I had assumed it was plaque, clots would be worse??
I know I am in danger of losing my legs, have one foot ulcer and a black toe.. tiny though...she said report is plural ..oh I dont know except, I am so swollen 80 mg lasix dosent help.
And I can walk maybe 50 feet , then ohhhh I canrt describe it... my oldest sister lost a leg to this and my grandfather both legs,but she is diabetic and he was an alchoholic..I am niether, was praying it would leave me alone, but if I even sit here,I turn into a smurf(blue hands/feet..cant breathe...)some days I dont even get on.
Well hopefully Dr Buckley will have something to tell me, it will have to wait for Dec 1st though,that is when my medicare kicks the pup
I don't know you or all your health issues but PLEASE don't give up no matter what! I know it's hard when things are going bad, I'm kinda in that spot myself but you gotta just keep your chin up! Drs aren't God but I think some of them have a closer link to Him than others so just wait and see what they can do to help you and I will keep you in my prayers!!! Hugs to you!
I clearly understand your wait for Medicare. I did that, too and the first day I was eligible, I went to the dr to see if it worked!

This is not news that you want to hear, I know. I watch for your posts all the time and check them out whether I answer or not. When you don't post, I feel that you aren't up to it. Blessings to you and know that you are in my thoughts often.
I'm with Ann; I understand why you're holding out for the Medicare coverage. But please be real careful while you wait.

No, I don't know anything about clots, you're right, they're undoubtedly plaque. My brain must have been on vacation (I wish!:p ) when I typed that.
You're in my prayers.
Prayers on your behalf. I pray that your skilled Doctors can help your ailing body and make your journey less difficult and painful!!
Ok, seeing Dr. Buckley this afternoon. I am going to have to pin him to the wall and find out what they have in mind to treat my smurfy feet and legs.
One time they had told my daughter they cant stent all of me as my small vessels are suffering as well, I cant find anything on the web with severe limb ischemia,with all the meds not curbing this disease, besides amputation.
Its every where in me and I am so tired.
Please tell your children and their children, get plenty of folic acid... my body wont absorb it, and this is what happens without the pup
Yaps said:
Ok, seeing Dr. Buckley this afternoon. I am going to have to pin him to the wall and find out what they have in mind to treat my smurfy feet and legs.
One time they had told my daughter they cant stent all of me as my small vessels are suffering as well, I cant find anything on the web with severe limb ischemia,with all the meds not curbing this disease, besides amputation.
Its every where in me and I am so tired.
Please tell your children and their children, get plenty of folic acid... my body wont absorb it, and this is what happens without the pup

I hope PJ's links will be some help. Please let us know what Dr. Buckley has to say. I'm praying that he will have a plan of action.
Praying for you Yaps and anxious to hear what the doctor has to say.
My mother-in-law has this condition in her legs and they did that balloon angioplasty procedure to clear some of the blockages. And she started going to curves and doing some weight-bearing exercise which has helped. Maybe they can do that procedure on you as well.

Well, blockages are in both illiacs,and the stent in the femoral is blocked.
I am waiting for the medicare to kick in then off to the hospital.
The only other options is an artificial graft... I am exploring these, researching.. praying medicare covers this..thankyou everyone for the the pup
Dear Yaps,

Are you sure you can afford to wait until Dec. for the Medicare? Can't they get you on a Medicare disability plan (you would obviously qualify) and get this taken care of sooner. My prayers go out to you, and I hope they can find some solution to ease your suffering.

Lots of big ol' hugs to you, and hang in there.
I just had an opportunity to read this thread. I hope things work out for you and it's a fixable situation. We can never give up, something new may be around the next corner.
Yaps....I just don't know what to say other than.....

Yaps....I just don't know what to say other than.....

I hope that things can be fixed, and please know that my prayers are going out for you right now and always, and I am pushing very hard at them. I know how it is to not be able to walk very far due to leg pain, as I deal with that myself (although from different causes), so please know that I can relate and I am sending you tons of hugs. Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek: :D
Did you ask him if you could wait until December?
I don't know anything about this particular medical condition, but I will get up to speed and read PJ's links.
At least we have an answer!
Now to get down to business . . . :)


I,m sorry to hear of this latest set-back...I am wondering, however, about the medicare issue? you don't seem old enough..age 65?...Your profile doesn't show anything? age, ect......have you applied for disability and it was accepted..but you have a waiting period?.....I know it is very hard to get..and only the ones that really have a disability get it.....Sounds like you really deserve it.:) My sister has many health problems..but, was denied. She got lucky and found 4 hours a day near her home..Plus, she started getting S.S. from her deceased husband age 59 1/2.......Maybe your doctor could help speed the medicare coverage up? Bonnie