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May you have manny manny manny manny more! Hope you have a nice Birthday!:) Enjoy!
Take care and God Bless!
Hi Marty

Warm wishes on your special day! Hope you and Alice were able to get out and do something special. :)
Happy B-Day Marty-

May you have many, many more, many moments of joy and good health for all of those years.
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Hey Marty,

Just think what it would be like having all four of these lovely ladies (posters above) giving you hugs and kisses on your birthday!!??

You won't get any kisses out of me, but I hope you're having a marvelous birthday.

Well happy birthday Marty!!! Boy these things sure sneak up on me!!! Course everything sneaks up on me these days!! hee hee

Have a very happy birthday and may you have many, many more my friend!!!

Take care,

P.S. Great day for a birthday... my son's 22nd birthday is tomorrow!
Hey Marty, my 30 minutes on the weight machine was in honor of your b-day!


Marty......... can you do EIGHT??

Don?t leave me out!! :eek:


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Thank you all!

Thank you all!

Dear friends, thank you so much for rembering my birthday! I'm not sure how you found out? My heart including the St. Jude mechanical mitral valve was tested Saturday night. My two daughters and son told me a quiet family dinner at Army Navy CC was arranged and for Alice and I to get there on time.
Any how we were ushered into a large room where it looked like two hundred people had assembled. As I looked over the crowd there were people from all over and from way back in my past. One daughter whose good with photoshop had pictures in frames and cubes all over the place including a seven week old baby picture of me. That picture was 75 years old!Needless to say I was stunned but I recovered enough to enjoy the party
as a son-in -law who has kissed the blarney stone did a "This is your life" worthy of Ralph Edwards.
My only gripe is that my kids didn't get in touch with you guys and get you there!For the last few years you have been my best friends. From the heart. Marty
Hey der Marty

Hey der Marty

Sounds like it was quite a bash in your honor.

Looks like the only way you'll get to meet some of us is at a Reunion. No clue where the 2003 Reunion will be.

Any chance you can get away for a few days and fly to Vegas in October?

I think Hank and Al Lodwick are working out a schedule for him to make a presentation, or at least join us in a round of whatever quenches our thirst.

How about yourself?


What a wonderful thing for your friends and family to do! You must be quite a guy. :) Congratulations.

Ron K