Marathon Medal

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This is lunch in Victoria Canada. Notice how we are eating low fat foods! (left to right) myself, my wife Charyl, my mom Marie, and my sister Stacey.
Mark, the pictures are just beautiful. What a lovely family. You look like you had a great time.

Just curious to know - how many years have you been running? Did you do a write up on the race - I'd be curious to know how the 'course' was and was there lots of water stops and was it well organized. I would just love to hear the 'details' - did they have lots of food at the end? How did the other runners fare? Did you have many runners running alongside you most of the time? I remember the Disney Half Marathon I did in January - there were thousands of runners - it was just so overwhelming. There were fans lined up along the course - thousands of people. It was a awesome feeling. We ran right through the castle in the Magic Kingdom. They bused you over to the start line between 3:00 am. and 4:00 a.m. and the race started at 6:00 a.m. - I had done the Animal Kingdom and EPCOT parks the two days prior to the race - I was just exhausted when it came time to do the half marathon. I signed up to do the FULL MARATHON - but my cardiologist - has recommended that I "not" do competitive racing. Its not the same - I mean I would just go for the 'finish' - and walk if needed. Disney gives you 7 hours to finish !!! I know I could do it without hurting myself. But he 'frowns' and he doesn't want to talk about it. I love to RUN.. Did you eat any of that 'gu' to help keep you going? I would love to hear every little 'detail'.. I met a woman at Disney that lives just a couple towns away from me here in NH. Can you believe it 26,000 runners and the woman I talked to lived a couple towns over. What are the odds !!! They didn't have enough port-a-potties on the course - I never saw such a 'sight' in my life. Here in NH we have "woods" for those kinds of things. :) I could talk for hours about racing. But its 4:30 p.m. quitting time at work and I don't have internet at home. I'll check tomorrow for any more pictures.

Thanks Mark - I just love to see and hear all about it..

You can actually live on that low fat dish in front of you?

Thanks for sharing those Mark. I tried to make an avatar out of the medals shot, but you get too small in it. Your truly a blessed and remarkable man. Keep on doing what your doing. ;)

Thanks Ross. I tried too, with another shot, but had the same problem. Oh well. Runner, I'll send you a PM to give you the whole scoop!


PS Runner: I would find a more supportive cardiologist. (I don't mean to be blunt.) He should be giving you detailed reasons for holding you back. For gosh sakes, heart transplant patients have run marathons. With a structured program their is no reason you should be held back. If you can run a half marathon, in my assessment with proper training, you can RUN a full marathon. Maybe it is just a liability issue, and he dosen't want to stick his 'hiney' on the chopping block, but that should be NO reason he should be holding you back from your dreams and goals.

Beautiful pictures, Mark. Thank you for sharing with us.

Didja have Queen's Tea in Victoria. Sister went there once upon a time and she's uppity so she went to have Queen's Tea. I'd take what you are eating in that picture. Some of it looked like soup or chili? For a coolish day.

Tell your mom she's really a pretty lady.

I agree with Mark. A second opinion may help you. I've had two cardios since my AVR. Both are of a frame of mind to support the life style of my choice.

Good information is the key. What does the cardio say about your heart function? With a clicking valve inside of me, my cardio actually used the words "normal heart function". He expressed his opinion about possible joint problems with running, but stopped very far short of discouragement
Hi Ann, yes I do have a very beautiful Mom. I sent her the link to this post; so she can read what you said herself. :)
Hi Tom, I agree with you too. My doctors from my Primary Care to the Surgeon himself have been very encouraging. What I have heard over and over is, "Listen to your body." (and I would add, use common sense.)
I look at it like this ... I had surgery to prolong and give me some quality life, not too hold me back. ???


PS Ann, I am disappointed in you. I thought of all people, you would druel over my legs. I mean hey, what does Barrett and Ross got on me!! ??? :D
hi mark!
i am speechless!!!
those photos are just amazingly beautiful_ the scenery, your family and you finishing the run.
keep feeling well and running on... you are incredible!!!
wishing you all the best, sylvia

Thumbs up on a great finish. I am so jealous! I used to run and did a half marathon once - seems so long ago now. You look fit as a fiddle. Can't believe you have a heart condition.

My 40 min. fat burn program on the treadmill just about does me in! I so miss the early morning jogs outside when I felt like I could run for miles. Wonder if I can ever have that feeling back again?

You are such an inspiration to all us runners and joggers. It can be done, can't it, if you put your mind to it.

Thanks for sharing all of the wonderful pictures.


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