Make sure your surgeon has his errands done..........

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Saw un unbelievable story on Connie Chung last night.
A surgeon was suspended and his license pulled on Wednesday when, after six hours into a spinal fusion he announced he had to step out of the operating room. This is routine and normally after 5 or maybe 10 the surgeon returns after viewing x-rays, or taking care of small concerns. However, in this case the surgeon failed to return, even after being paged and a search was begun. Finally, after 35 minutes he returned and explained he had had to GO TO THE BANK TO CASH A CHECK. He completed the surgery (3 hours) and was immediately suspended............
The moral of the story, ask your surgeon if he has done his groceries, picked up the dry cleaning and brought his film to the developer before he srubs for surgery!!!!!!!!!!

What is this world coming to?????????

Hi fdeg,

I read that article in the Tribune yesterday. I couldn't believe what I was reading!:eek: The Audacity of that surgeon taking time out from a surgery to go to the bank! What, he doesn't even have the patient off the table and he's going to the bank to deposit his money? Outrageous!

Yes, definitely ask your surgeon if he has all his chores done before surgey.:rolleyes: We don't want no interuptions! Glad he was suspended!
I think the scariest thing is, why did the surgeon urgently need to cash a check? Only two possible reasons I can think of: First, he had a bookie he owed who was threatening him; Second, he had a drug dealer threatening to turn him in if he didn't pay now. The only other possibility is that the guy is totally nuts. I'm glad they have gotten rid of him.
I vote for the "nuts" scenario. Why would he have done something like that, ATMs are available everywhere for after hours money. Our local hospital even has one in the lobby. And why would he have admitted it??

DUH-- Did he think that everyone would think that it was an OK thing to do?

Sounds like a guy with bad judgement all the way around. Not a good choice for operating, where judgement is a GOOD thing.
It sure sounds to me like the 'Doc' had to go somewhere to 'shoot up' or something very shady!!! The scariest part to me is that he will be able to go to some other hospital/state and still practice his 'brand' of medicine..Yikes!!!!!!

Zipper *!*
Unbelievable! I would think with all the money these guys make, that they could hire a personal assistant to take care of such matters.....
Those pesky assistants aren't really all that helpful. For years I tried to find one who would go to the dentist for me, but no one ever would.

This story, on reflection, brought back some memories of a doctor I knew several years ago (now deceased) who turned out to have an Elvis Presley-type drug problem. He needed drugs to go to sleep, drugs to wake up, drugs to help him concentrate, drugs to help him relax, etc. Most people around him didn't have a clue that he had this problem, but I remember a story about him implanting a pacemaker, and leaving in the middle of the procedure saying they needed to get someone else to finish.

Maybe before we have surgery we should be entitled to have the surgeon and staff tested for drugs.
Hey John,

I wish I could have found one to have my surgery for me!!!!

Those docs are human too - good and bad.....


By the way, Francesca, how's the scene going? Do you have a date yet for your surgery? Been wondering how you've been....