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Congratulations on that fantastic loss of weight Glenda!

It would be interesting to many of us just How you did it.

I'm curious why your Surgeon put in a Porcine Tissue Valve. Was it a 'straight from the pig valve' or one of the New and Improved Porcine Valves?

I'm also curious why he didn't implant a Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valve since they have a proven record of good durability when implanted in 'older' patients.

Happy belated Birthday.
Glenda, congrats on the weight loss - quite an accomplishment. Any tips? Happy to hear the job is going well. The group that I go to all use laptops and put the info into the central medical records. No way could anyone read my dr's handwriting. When I first saw him and he wrote orders for the scheduler, neither she nor the dr's nurse could figure out what he had written. Nurse went back for a translation - severe mitral regurgitation. They couldn't even decipher the first letters of the words! LOL

Anyway - keep up the good work!
Congratulations, Glenda! The weight loss is an amazing accomplishment. As one who struggles with weight (and have struggled most of my life) I know how tough it is to do that.

Hope and pray your valve will last much longer than it now seems. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for that.
I just got off work, a little early tonight. We were slow so that was good! Regarding the weight loss, two weeks before Thanksgiving I had read an article that said that cancer feeds off sugar, well since I was a sugar addict and loved anything sweet especially chocolate, and since most of my diet contained sugar and since my leukemia was my third cancer I began to wonder if there was something to this, so I just made up my mind to not eat any sugar. For two weeks I suffered terrible headaches and was in a terrible state of mind. That just goes to prove what sugar was doing to my old body. I have not had a candy bar, cookie, cake or anything sweet since then. Now I know there is some sugar in processed food that I just can't get away from but I really look at what I'm eating. I also cut out bread and pasta. I do eat toast for breakfast about once a week and sometimes I eat pasta but not very much. I don't eat hardly any red meat and never any pork. I haven't been able to eat pork since I received a "pigs" valve. Weird isn't it but it did something to my mind to think a pig had to die for me to live. I eat chicken once in a while. My cancer doctor doesn't want me to eat any meat at all. In fact I once told him that his theory was not to eat anything with a face. He told me last week at my appointment that he has used what I said many times with his patients! I do walk a lot in my new job so I'm sure that helps. The hospital halls are very long and I go up and down them many times during the night. In fact when it's very slow I make it point to walk the halls. The nurses can't believe I do that but I have to do something to keep me awak and I feel better walking than just sitting there chatting.

Al my "pigs" valve was a mosaic porcine (whatever that is!) It was only 19mm which I was told was small for my body. My surgeon said my internal organs was very small. Like I said before on here I always knew there was a small person trying to get out of this body. He tried putting a larger size valve in but it wouldn't beat, so he had to take it out. When he put the smaller one in, it picked right up and never missed a beat. My cardio said this time they would make the opening larger and put in a larger valve. I dont' know why they didn't do that the first time. Who knows, maybe they were on a tight schedule, although I was the first surgery of the day. When the time comes I will be sure and ask him about the "Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valve." Is that a pigs valve? I do know the reason they didn't put in a mechanial valve was because of my age and also because I would have to be on Coumadin and it wouldn't mix with my Gleevec I have to take for CML.

Sorry everyone I wrote a book. I always have to wind down a bit before I go to bed after I get off work this late. Talk to you all later!
You sound SO GOOD!!!!!! Such a hard worker and look, all that work on YOU has paid off!! Yay!!!!!!!! I admire your perserverence!

A bovine pericardial tissue valve is the cow valve. It's what I have, mooo!! It's what the comedian Robin Williams just got, also. They take the tissue from the pericardium of a cow's heart and model it into a valve for a human. I'm sure there must be other elements to it than the percaridal tissue but I don't know what that is. It must be structured around something. ??

The pig's valve is actually a pig's valve, I think! Either way, the animal has to give up his heart for us!

I love your line about not eating anything with a face!! That would be hard for me! I love my meats! :eek: Still love steak even with the cow valve. :eek::eek:

Keep up the great work and the great attitude! Thanks for checking in!

Best wishes.

Your an inspiration my dear. I cannot believe all you've been through and are still going. You'd make Cameron Swayze proud!
Congratulations on your weight loss. I know you have been talking about it for years. Bet your job has helped with your schedule and you sound so busy. think svelt~

as to dr's writing, my ex is an m.d. before going to med school, his writing was outstandingly beautiful. they write so fast at school taking notes that they invent their own shorthand to help speed the process and the rest of the wording just becomes a mess that only they can read (not always, tho). Also there was a time drs didn't want us to be able to unscramble their prescriptions (I actually heard my dr say patients don't need to know what's on there) and so they used latin and other things to keep us out, thereby further ruining their writing.
Glenda the Good, Congratulations! You really are a marvel! Sorry about the valve, but very happy to hear all the good news. XO Your valve bro, Brian
Love everyone and sorry I don't get on very much anymore.

Sadly, I'm the same way....

Glenda said:
I get home around 11:45 pm, in bed by 12:30. I ususally sleep till 9:00 am

Ah, fiddle sticks! Looks like I'll be "so close yet so far away" in September, and probably not get to meet you... :(. During the Route 66 drive, we'll be in Joplin MO for an overnight stay (possibly at the Riviera Roadside motel) ... but won't get there until about 9 or so ... and then we'll be at breakfast early and on the road by 9:30a.....

CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss of 66 pounds ... and birthday # 66! :)

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"The curves around midnight aren't easy to see" ... Rosanne Cash ... 'Runaway Train'
Terrific news Glenda,CONGRATULATIONS on your hard work and persistance
Wow good for you :) congratulations on the new job too.
All the best and God Bless
Cort I could meet you for breakfast, if it's not too, too early. I don't live far from the Rivera Motel. I would get up early to meet you. Just give me a call on my cell 417-437-8029. I think that would be great.!
Cort I could meet you for breakfast, if it's not too, too early. I don't live far from the Rivera Motel. I would get up early to meet you. Just give me a call on my cell 417-437-8029. I think that would be great.!

Make sure he has access to sweet tea!
Cort I could meet you for breakfast, if it's not too, too early. I don't live far from the Rivera Motel. I would get up early to meet you.


I noted your cell ph#; my cell is listed in this thread:

Is 7:30a too early for you? Here is a look at the schedule in your neck of the woods:

_MONDAY, 09/07/09_

Stanton MO

9a-9p ~225 miles:
Stanton MO - Joplin MO


TBD (possibly, Springfield MO)

accommodations TBD (possibly, Riviera Roadside Motel)
Joplin MO

_TUESDAY, 09/08/09_

Joplin MO

9:30a-10a ~10 miles:
Joplin MO - Galena KS

And, Ross, breakfast is a bit too early for sweet tea ... maybe for dinner the previous evening ;).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"A lot of lives were changed down in that little one way street" ... Lacy J Dalton ... '16th Avenue'

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