30 days post op
30 days post op
Day 30 met Cardiologist today and it went rather well and I got more value add from meeting than i thought i would....so all good
Echo will be scheduled shorlty for next few weeks and stress test scheduled July 22nd, so I will get my new baseline numbers
Cardio confirms very fast recovery for me
No more murmur, it's gone.
Metropolol now being replaced by Bisoprolol to get pulse down, ok and good i think
Coumadin will become baby asprin soon, yeah but Coumadin was no big deal
Am healed in flesh and all looks good, bone looks strong, but another 30 days to be careful, just to be sure
Certified for weighlifting, his comment forget rehab join a gym and start bench press at half your weight, work it up and yes work on the flab
Take another month off work, keep stress down
In summary am healed or darn close
will post scar once last 3 drain holes pop scabs, likely next few days
Am a lucky one, good healing powers,process/kryptonite, only the shadow knows?