Lucky Arnold!

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With Arnold Schwarzenegger becoming California's Governer, I wasn't sure which apart of the following was true in his case: "You have to be lucky to be good, but you have to be good to be lucky"....

There probably are 3 most glamorous things in life: Sports, Entertainment and Politics.. Arnold has reached the top in all of them.. While there are numerous examples of people who have ruled in one of them, and some who have ruled 2 of them, perhaps no one has ever ruled all 3..

Clearly, he could not be a governor if he was not a well known Hollywood figure.. clearly he could not become a hollywood figure if he was not #1 champion bodybuilder.. clearly he could not be a champion bodybuilder if his congenitally defective 'AORTIC VALVE' had put limitations on himself..

He had the surgery in 1997 at the age of 52.. Don't know if he ever knew about his valve problem as a kid, teen or an adult, or if his doctors advised him to stop bodybuilding or not, but if that valve had deteriorated at the age of, say 25, he clearly could not become a champion bodybuilder and hence a governer of California today..

So not sure if he is 'good' or 'lucky' or both, but it does seem that luck played a major role in his life - more than anything his luck of being able to extreme bodybuild inspite of a defective valve..

no, it was a congenital defect. I looked it up on the net.

This reminds me of when Jesse Ventura became governor of MN. He was a good governor, with good intentions. Hopefully Arnold will be as good as Jesse. Hmmm, maybe Bill Gates will be washington's next governor? Hopefully not!
Arnold had a bicuspid aortic valve (hence congenital)...

If you really want to relate steroids with valve (I suggest not), just think how much of a factor steroids had on an individual who had a bad valve at birth, combined with over 2 decades of extremely heavy weight lifting, and still needing an AVR at the age of 52... If we average out the age at which an AVR is needed for ALL people who are born with a bicuspid aortic valve, it will be either 52 or less...

here is a link to view:,1,5673,00.html
What 2 valves did he have done?

What 2 valves did he have done?

His first surgery was a ? valve and his 2nd surgery a few months later was a ? valve...What type valve (tissue or Mech) does he have now? If tissue? that means another one for him later.??? If he is age 54 now? that means another one at age..64-70... If I were Arnold..think I would serve as Governor..then enjoy life with his young kids.:) Bonnie
joey's surgeon, dr. stelzer, told us that he spoke to arnold's surgeon the day after his first surgery and that he had a ross procedure the first time. not sure what he got after blowing out the first valve...
Irrespective of what valve or procedure he got, the point I was making was that if his congenital defective valve had not lasted as long as it did (until age 52), he would have most probably been just an ordinary Joe.. I was just following turn of events in his life..
I am 34.. until last year I used to be a competitive bodybuilder when my BAV showed worsening.. AVR is pending and bodybuilding is over... I could not help but think that what if same thing had happened to Arnold quite earlier than it did... He probably would not have ruled the world of bodybuilding, and then hollywood, and then politics... I was not visualizing to follow that path, let me make it clear :).. but I could not help trace back sequence of events in Arnold's life..
He's a winner!

He's a winner!

heard a lady on the radio who just voted and she told the interviewer that she would rather be groped by Arnold than screwed by Davis!


Soo funny. Me, too. but I don't live in California:p :p :p Still wanting to know the 2 valves he got. First one and 2nd one? He really should retire and enjoy his kids after serving as Gov...When he has his 3rd one..may not do so good.:( Bonnie


Glad the the car tripling did not go up in Ga. We have a motorhome..the tracker that we pull behind it...John's old Suburbian (sp?) that we haul trash, furniture, ect in..My Cadillac..and a spare Mercury..(when kids cars break down. John's birthdate is in Nov...when all are due.:eek: $800.00.. That would be $2,400 in Calif. What are your's going to?Maybe Arnold can help? Bonnie
Guvernator's 2nd valve

Guvernator's 2nd valve

His second valve is a homograft. Dr V. Starnes/USC did both
3rd surgery

3rd surgery

He may be age 62-65? Maybe he will stay in politics. Senator from Calif?.... the media will be all over his health issues.. Take the money and run..Arnold. (Away from public life) Enjoy your wife and children. Bonnie
Arnold for President?

Arnold for President?

Here, the cognoscenti, inside the beltway are discussing amending the constitution so the terminator can run for president.
Even the ultraliberal commie Washington Post stated that naturalized citizens should be able to run for the presidency.


Even, if they changed things.. His medical record would stop him..Look how media stays all over our Vice-President Cheney..his heart problems. Bonnie
Valvers unite!

Valvers unite!

Bonnie, If all the valvers unite behind Arnold he cannot be stopped! Hey, what happened to recent valver and cabbage guy
Bob Graham?

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