Low Magnesium triggers atrial fib

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Dear Betty, Just wanted to send a hug to you, and let you know you are in my thoughts, and prayers. Your valve brother, Brian
Sorry to hear this,I have also had several 'bouts of arrhythmia(flutter)
and understand how frustrating and upsetting it can be.
Thanks for the reminder about the magnesium, wishing the best - Dina
This Magnesium/Calcium intake has got me Google-ling and I found this:

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

Magnesium can be described as one of the essential nutrients required for the proper functioning of the human body. There are a number of body functions that require magnesium to be present in right quantities, some of them being digestion, proper muscle functioning, controlling nerve impulses and hormonal balance. Then, the nutrient is also required for dissolving large deposits of calcium in the body. When we talk about magnesium deficiency, it means that the body is either not getting the nutrient in proper quantities or is eliminating too much of it, thus adversely affecting the performance of various body functions. Read on to know more about magnesium deficiency in the human body, as in its causes as well as symptoms.

Causes Of Magnesium Deficiency

* One of the most common reasons of magnesium deficiency in people comprises of lack of requisite amount of the nutrient in the diet.
* Excessive deletion of magnesium through the urine is another cause that might result in its deficiency in the body.
* Disorders of the gastrointestinal system can either result in magnesium not being absorbed adequately by the body or its excessive loss in the stool.
* Certain diuretics (medications used for treating cancer) and antibiotics can lead to increased loss of magnesium from the body.
* Uncontrolled might also lead to magnesium being lost excessively in urine and thus, magnesium deficiency.
* A high intake of alcohol has been linked to magnesium deficiency.
* Excessive or chronic diarrhea and vomiting can also lead to magnesium deficiency.
* Adrenocortical Hormones being released in excessive amounts is yet another possible cause of magnesium deficiency.
* Magnesium deficiency can also be primarily due to genetic disorders.

Signs & Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency

* Allergies
* Arteriosclerosis
* Asthma
* Cancer
* Cardiovascular disease
* Certain form of allergy
* Compromised immune system (with secondary problems as a result)
* Confusion
* Depression
* Development of anxiety and panic attacks
* Diabetes
* Epileptic seizures
* Erectile dysfunction
* Fasciculation
* Feeling of tightness in the chest (erratic)
* Frequent tension headaches
* Higher levels of irritability
* Hypertension
* Impaired protein metabolism
* Increase in restless behavior
* Increased sensitivity to stress
* Increased susceptibility to high blood pressure
* Inexplicable pain in the jaw
* Insomnia
* Involuntary muscle twitches
* Irregular heartbeat
* Kidney damage & kidney stones
* Migraine
* Muscle cramps
* Nervous irritability
* Numbness and tingling in the extremities
* Osteoporosis (brittle bones)
* Palpitations or angina
* Premature wrinkles
* Restless leg syndrome
* Sense of stiffness in the neck
* Some forms of cancer
* Vitamin K deficiency
* Wide range of aches and pains

Random Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

* Sudden change in behavior (like relaxed and confident people may become high-strung)
* Unusual craving for salt or chocolate
* Tenderness in the breasts (in case of women)
* Changes in the menstrual cycle (in case of women)
* Marked apathy in behavior (especially in case of anxiety and panic attacks)

But can anyone tell me how much Magnesium a person should have per-day in a pill?
Freddie, I think the RDA for women is around 300mg...

My prescription is for Magnesium Oxide 400 mg. For the first several days I was instructed to take one twice a day but now am down to one a day. My multivitamin also has 100 mg. in it.
I have a return appointment this Friday for more labs and a check-up. I'm breathing easier again now that I am off the Cardizem and am generally feeling some better. Thanks everyone for your concern.

Freddie, what an extensive list of problems associated with low magnesium! Thanks for posting that. My cardiologist wasn't happy with my Potassium level although it fell within normal parameters. He said it is important to have a normal magnesium level if you want adjustments to the potassium level to be effective. My phosphorus level was also low which also happens when magnesium levels are too low.
Glad you are ok! I remember when I had a horrible tachycardia in 1997 which led to my diagnosis of an ASD... the only thing off on my blood work was low magnesium. I immediately started taking magnesium at that time. I admit in the past years I haven't taken it as I should and have had a couple A-fib episodes, but after reading this post, I think I'll start back tonight! =)
Wow, I am surprised to read all this about Magnesium. Are alot of you taking it? Does it really help when your rhythm goes out of whack?

Yes, it really can help. I know at one time many on this site were taking it. I would think it would still be the case but I don't know. I know I got out of the habit. Years ago I took the liquid mineral supplement by New Vision but it was quite expensive.
I'm just looking at my blood results from last month.
Magnesium reference range is 0.65---0.90 and my reading is 0.84 which seems to be good.
Does that mean that my irreg HR won't be helped by supplements?
I decided to look up foods high in magnesium,which are:
Whole wheat flour- 166mg/a cup
Almonds - 156mg / 2 oz
Cashews - 148mg/2oz
Black beans -120mg/a cup
Navy beans - 134mg /a cup
Spinach - 160mg/a cup
Tomato paste -134/mg a cup
Artichoke - 100mg/a cup
Yogurt - 40 mg/ a cup
Banana - 34mg/ med
Tuna -54 mg /a cup
Of course there are many more, but this us gives an idea.

The reason I listed this is because a few months ago I had high potassium levels,which can also cause arrhythmias.The problem was that I had been eating a sufficient amount of potassium in my diet and didn't realize that I didn't need to take any replacement in spite of being on lasix.
I had surgery 6 weeks ago followed by a-fib and now take a high potency multiple twice a day,99 mg. potassium,calcium and 400 mg of magnesium.This is on advise of a nutrionist that is friend of mine.jury is still out- but so far so good.
This is very interesting. Adrienne told me about magnesium for constipation. I think I'll have to try it. Just how much do you need, though? I already take a multi-vitamin, along with calcium vitiman D, and asorbic acid. I also take Boniva monthly for osteoporosis.

I am very sorry to hear about your heart and colin problems. I know this can be overwhelming, but it will get better. You know the old saying: There is a light, at the end of the tunnel!
This is very interesting. Adrienne told me about magnesium for constipation. I think I'll have to try it. Just how much do you need, though? I already take a multi-vitamin, along with calcium vitiman D,!
Thats exactly what I am trying figure out also..If you need 300-400mg/aday
then you have to figure how much you are getting in your diet naturally.
Most doctors don't advise replacement in the same way they do with vitamins, unless there is some underlying illness or drug causing it , our potassium and magnesium usually stay pretty steady. This is where I got into trouble with my potassium..guess I was eating too many bananas:)
I take magnesium supplements. I used to take a tablet that combined calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Now my doctor prescribes a calcium and vitamin D pill, so I take the magnesium 2 hours after the calcium since my doctor said that the calcium is better absorbed if the magnesium is not taken at the same time. When I started with the combination pill, I wanted the magnesium more because they say that it can counteract the constipating effect of calcium. Now, as I continue to take magnesium, I think about the benefits of the heart rhythm as well.

I'm sure glad I read your post more carefully Adrienne!!! :)

I started taking magnesium tablets for my heart rhythm about a year ago & I had noticed that I went to the bathroom a lot more but I did not attribute that to the magnesium at all. I just thought I was "full of it" & was going more than usual!! :p
I'm just looking at my blood results from last month.
Magnesium reference range is 0.65---0.90 and my reading is 0.84 which seems to be good.
Does that mean that my irreg HR won't be helped by supplements?

I don't know if additional magnesium would help or not. I would suspect not. Different labs test by different methods so your magnesium reference range is different than mine. Our lab's range is 1.6- 2.4. My mag was 1.3.
I don't know if this is helpful but, in case some people might be interested, there is mineral-enhanced bottled water available in a lot of stores now, even water that has no other flavorings or anything.