I hate to post my personal business but I have been in the hospital all day and so bored. Plus maybe my post will benefit another woman somehow.. And it is hard to explain why I'm here to all my "non-valve" friends... I had my IUD removed last Wed., dr. said to expect some spotting maybe. But since Friday it's been way more than spotting, I've just been taking my iron and dealing with it and dr. was kind of at a loss. Some days have been better than others. I was just living my life but noticing I was tiring way more than usual. Then had my INR checked Monday and it was 4.1 but still with the gyn. issues, so cardio had me hold warfarin Monday night. Didn't really make a difference and started back up Tues. and Wed. night with normal dose. Went in today and INR was 1.5! Plus, still having the issue, lots of blood loss, found out low hemoglobin... long story short, Gyn. doesn't know what to do for me besides put me on the pill, which increases chance of clotting of course (plus I don't want to go that route anyways), and cardio wants me on heparin drip and have to see Gyn. in the hospital... it's basically a catch 22, not happy to be in this situation at all! Plus I love the July 4th holiday/fireworks and it looks like I may be here the whole time. Ugh. Really not happy but of course I always say, things could always be worse. Just glad my mom is in town to keep my girls and my sister came by earlier and had me laughing for a little while... glad I grabbed my iPod and laptop before I came here, it's gonna be a long night.
I was wondering if anyone else ever had an issue with an IUD? Because right now I would say if you're on coumadin, don't get one!
I was wondering if anyone else ever had an issue with an IUD? Because right now I would say if you're on coumadin, don't get one!