Love new job

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Hi everyone, just checking in. I love my new job. I am in training for three weeks. My regular hours will be from 2:30 pm to 11:30 pm. Right now I have to be there at 6:00 am, which I didn't even know there was a 6:00 am, just kidding! I am not a morning person so it's been a struggle to get to work by 6:00. I would much rather have to go in at 2:00 pm. I'll be glad to get my normal hours. The job is coming real easy for me since I have volunteered in ICU for over five years. I already know the computer system, the telephone system, and most of the nurses & doctors. The only problem I have is reading the doctor's orders and they didn't teach doctor's how to write in eight years of college. I know it will get easier, but for right now it's frustrating! I've also found out after 48 years of marriage that my husband can make a bed and he can cook his own breakfast. He can't seem to get the dishes in the dishwasher which is right beside the sink. He'll just pile them all in the sink. Oh well, I'm thankful that he can make a bed. I never knew that! ! We had a terrible storm here Friday morning and our roof was destroyed. We will have to have a new one. We lost a lot of limbs. My patio furniture was all over the yard, my barbecue grill was moved a long way. I really think it was a small tornado. We were without power for two full days and nights. Thank goodness I didn't have to go to work Friday morning. I just happen to be off that day.

Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is. I'm also having computer problems again. I'm on dial up and it seems to get slower and slower. I think I'm going to look in to getting it run through my dish network. I know it's expensive but I think it would be worth every cent. Since I'm working now I can pay for it myself.
Yay! Glenda, So glad you are enjoying it despite the morning training times.You continue to be an inspiration! Sorry about the dishes. He may yet get the hang of it. All the best, Brian
So glad you are enjoying your new job. I would give anything to be able to feel good again and work. I taught for 25 years and really have had a hard time missing it but I know this is where God wants me right now, so I'm content. Hope everything keeps going well. Good luck with the dishes. :D
Glad to know you like your new job so well. I wish you luck in your new endeaver, and in training your husband. Let us know how that goes.
I think you are awesome!. Congratulations on your new job. I am truly happy for you. And what makes it even better, it's doing something you love. That in itself is a huge plus. Hang in there. I didn't know there was a 6:00am either until about 5 years ago. I work with many customers in Europe so I have to get to work early in order to complete transactions, so after a while it became second nature. In your case you have a goal, so just get past that training time, then it will be all smooth sailing. :)
There's that spooky feeling again. I was wondering about you and your new job.
I'm so happy for you that your enjoying the job.
And give that man of yours a pat on the back for making the bed, perhaps a hug will be in order when he learns how to load the dishwasher LOL :)

Best Wishes
Isn't it amazing how much our hubby's really know how to do when we're not around? Wow! :p

Glad that you are liking your job & hopefully you can start your new & later hours soon! (After getting up at 5:30 am for 20+ years, I can happily say that I'm no longer a morning person anymore since my retirement! :p)

Take care!
I was wondering how your job was going. I am not a morning person either so to be at work at 6am would be hard for me. A scheduler asked me to read to her (on the phone) what the prescription said, I said ?????? I could not read it either! I am so glad you like your job and great to hear from you.
Guess what, I couldn't believe it! When I came home from work today I went in to start on the laundry and my husband had it almost all done. He's never done that even when I had my many surgeries. My girl's always came over and did if for me. He is turning over a new leaf or else he's getting wiser in his old age!

I'll be so glad to get through training and move on to my regular hours. This morning I had to get up at 4:30 a.m. On top of that I hadn't got to bed until 12:00 pm. A dear friiend of ours had died in a motorcycle wreak Saturday night and we had drove about two hours away to visitation last night. He was only 54. He was a very safe rider but the highway patrol seems to think he doged a deer or an animal in the rode. He hit a tree and was killed instantly. His poor family. His brother was killed by a drunk driver about 10 years ago. His family have very strong faith and it will carry them through. Please remember them in your prayers.
Glenda, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. Sudden, harsh losses are so hard to take. Please accept my sympathies.

But, the first post was what I clicked on to respond to! Yay, Glenda!!!!! You go, girl!! You just sound fantastic!!! And so enthusiastic and so happy!! Aren't they so lucky to have you! :D

Best wishes.


Sounds like you'll fit right in -- once you learn doctorese and their handwriting! Thanks to being a journalist, I've had all kinds of weird hours. Mine are 8 a.m. to 4:30ish right now, but they've been 8 until whenever as a reporter, then 4 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., then 4 a.m. to noon, then 2 a.m. to 10 a.m., 1 a.m. to 9 a.m., etc. I'm a morning person but I had to sleep in shifts with the super early hours.

I am sorry to hear that a friend of yours has died. How tragic! My prayers are with his family and friends.
Happy to hear the great news about the job. It's amazing how something like that can really make your days worthwhile, isn't it?

Ah, yes, about hubbies. I was shocked Sunday to learn that mine had actually figured out how to send a Happy Mother's Day card to our daughter (she's been a mom now for 13 months!). No prompting from me at all:D

Sorry to hear of the terrible accident that took the life of your friend. What a tragedy. He's in my prayers tonight.
I hate mornings also and I have worked where I am now for 24 years and my last 20 years have been 7-4 hours. I have an hours drive so I am up by 5 every morning. I so envy you having a job you love. I am totally burned out on mine. I am so glad to be retiring next year in July.

Sorry to hear about you friends death. My husband has wanted a Harley for about three years now and I told him that if he got one he would be riding alone. I am so scared of bikes. I told him he could have a new Ranger boat but please, no bike.
It's terrific that you love your new job. I bet everyone loves having you work there too.:)
I'm sorry to read about your friend. It is tragic.
We had the same storm system move through this part of Missouri after it finished visiting you. We suffered no damage, but the area east of us is still without power almost seven days later.:(
I hope you get new internet service; you'll love the speed!:)
Hi Glenda

Glad to see you're happy in your new job.....less the 6 a.m. training. Sooooo glad your hubby is taking up the slack and helping out around the house. You sound happy and busy. Stay well and keep on keepin' on.
