Looks Like I'll Be Bummin Shortly....

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Holidays are approaching and what does my wife get with her pay check today, but a C.O.B.R.A. notification. Looks like lay off time is going to happen very soon. :mad:

I really got to get on the ball and figure out what to do about prescriptions and insurance. I don't want to get financially knocked off the planet like last year. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Hi Ross-

I'm sorry to hear that. I know you were fearful that it might happen. Gee, I hope at least things will stay status quo until after the holidays.

That is a bummer of gigantic proportions!:(
hang in there ross.. sorry to hear about the layoffs... your family is in my prayers



I feel for your wife. Where I am at, a city employee, we are being warned about layoff posibilities. But as for my job, it is secure because of the city charter, but other empoyess won't be so luck. We are going through a buyout with those about ready to retire or those who are at retirement age. And also at the same time, they are asking 1,000 employees to take a furlough 4 days, which is hard to take one day with pay. So then, they are lastly taking layoffs. It is a hard time for everyone, sprint just laid off more people recently. So I will pray for you both. It will hard for a while, but keep hanging in there. Things will eventually get better.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
You told us this was coming, didn't you? Tough one to take. Makes you feel so helpless and lost, I know. Somehow, you always manage to keep smiling even when things are down. Bless you; you give so much to so many. My prayers are yours, Ross for all the family.
I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's layoff. My brother-in-law is waiting to hear if he still has a job. His company was just bought out by another and everyone has to reapply for their position. They say they will let him know by Christmas. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Good Luck and God Bless!



Ross, I'll be sending the positive energy your way. I hope it all works out for you and your family. This is a tough thing to go through in any case, but on top of everything else, it has to be really hard to face up to.

All my best...
I thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and wishes.

I'd just like to know why companies pee in your cheerios just before the holidays. We have barely recovered from last year and here we go again. Does this cycle ever stop? :confused:
Wishing you the best through all this crap. I haven't been a member on this site very long but I do know this...you, above most others, will get through this and somehow manage to maintain a sense of humor. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Les AVR '93 / '95
I have always wondered why can't they wait until January or something...husband says it is due to bookkeeping . I am sorry to hear they did your wife in.
Thanks Les and Jean.

Jean-They haven't done her in yet. I take the letter as a rather short warning of things to come. What I hate is, by doing what they do, she only has 3 or 4 months on insurance and cannot get unemployment until the second fiscal quarter or April. Not enough credit weeks for the first quarter or January. Man, they really know how to make someone feel like comming back to work for them! Then when she does go back, if there is a going back, she'll be treated as a new employee and have to wait 90 days for insurance again. This sort of game should be illegal.

If there is any way to cover the COBRA premiums during the intrim period of the lay off your wife should not have any pre-existing condition limitations once back to work and eligible for coverage. I know the premiums can be high, all depends on how much the employer was paying in the first place.

Just a thought, might be less exensive in the long run.

Your in our prayers
Ross, I too am very sorry to hear that.
Your'e a good guy(and a Buckeye) and deserve so much better.
My son has been going thru it up here also,on again,off again and with four kids I know he is having a tough time also.
But you know what they say,life's a bitch and then you die.
Hang in there.
Hi Ross,

Sorry to hear about the potential layoff. I will keep your family in my prayers.

Check the Cobra out real good. Legally, it's one size fits all. 18 months of coverage. Downside usually at your own expense.

I have been on it since my MVR. Not a problem rolling over from Cobra. Make sure you keep a copy of your certificates of insurance that do not show a lapse in coverage for the preexisting. If you do let your coverage lapse for any reason it is up to your new carrier. Potentially they may not cover your preexisting. Hope I have not lost you. In simple terms. Don't lapse and you will be fine.