Looks Like I Am Going To Be Admitted Again......The Cardio Thinks I Need BetaPace...

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Well, it's so wonderful that they did all these tests, Bravo! However, the reason for the tests is to help you and take care of the obvious problems that showed up. Someone's got to get off the dime and take care of business.
Well, it's so wonderful that they did all these tests, Bravo! However, the reason for the tests is to help you and take care of the obvious problems that showed up. Someone's got to get off the dime and take care of business.

Oh I agree, but rather than admit that they don't know what is wrong, they would rather make me look like I am mentally imbalanced.....I found that to be totally insulting....The even brought in social workers who were ready to have me admitted to the local mental hospital.....
Do you have any friends or family nearby who can run interference for you? Or maybe a friend of a friend? I agree you need to try to get a hold of the good Doctor (Danford I think you said?) and let him know what a runaround you have been given. If all else fails, just happen to be visiting someone in another town (even a pretend someone, LOL) that has a better hospital, etc and go to ER there, and just give them Danford's name, not anyone else's.

If you have been keeping any copies of tests, diagnoses, etc that show you have A-Fib and it is causing CHF (pretty scary that an ER cannot even recognize that), carry those with you wherever you go, small briefcase or tote or whatever. I am beyond appalled that you've had such incompetent medical care, so your best revenge is survive, thrive and tell them later they can go jump in a lake (or wherever else you want to direct the bozos). Where exactly are you, maybe someone else on the forum is nearby?
Jeannie, I am in New Hampshire, and let me tell you....I have spoken with someone who moved out west from here who is in the medical field and they have said that the medical practice is 1000 times better out your way than here in NH....The silly thing is that I was born in Montana....LOL
Oh geezsh Harry....it is so frustrating to hear that you're getting jerked around like this! I guess those of us that have a good rapport with our cardios, should feel blessed! Whenever I've been jerked around like this in the past, I have my cardio's private cell # which he has told me to call him when I need him. And believe me, there's been a few times that I have!

Saying prayers for you Harry......you need something done PRONTO!
Well Folks.....It is JUST AS I SAID IT WAS.....It is the pill that is throwing me back into heart failure......I just got back from urgent care and the doctor verified that I AM back in heart failure and it WAS the Diltiazem that was causing it. I guess I am going to have a few not so choice words for Dr. Eddinger this afternoon when I see him and a few not so choice words for Dr. Bridges who refused to let the ER switch me to another pill and insisted on my taking it even though it has been making me feel 1000 times worse....Harrybaby is furious.....
Harry, I don't normally have a problem with chf, but this drug definetly made me start retaining fluid.
Harry, I don't normally have a problem with chf, but this drug definetly made me start retaining fluid.

Thats what I have been trying to tell these ego stricken cardiologists all weekend......the one cardio that suggested this though, forgot to call the ER to tell them what to do with me, so therefore, I missed out on getting treated correctly...I just got back from urgent care and they verified that I am in CHF again....BECAUSE OF THE DILTIAZEM!!!!
Harry Im sorry that you are going through all of this stuff. It is so difficult being ill and trying to get doctors to LISTEN properly. Hopefully you are now going to get well. x

I have been taking Diltiazem for many years, and Im now wondering if it is causing my worsening symptoms...ie, sob and inability to walk more than 2 or 3 minutes.
Harry Im sorry that you are going through all of this stuff. It is so difficult being ill and trying to get doctors to LISTEN properly. Hopefully you are now going to get well. x

I have been taking Diltiazem for many years, and Im now wondering if it is causing my worsening symptoms...ie, sob and inability to walk more than 2 or 3 minutes.

Seriously Jacqui, I would NOT be surprised if it wasn't. I have to tell you, the two pills that I took really knocked me for a loop....and I will be addressing this to them this afternoon...
Harry, hugs & prayers are coming your way. You hang in there. You have to take control your your problem. Go to the head cardio if you have too. I was having an episode here while back and I called into see what cardio was on call and it was one that I wouldn't even send my dog to. My heart finally calmed down. I know it was from the stress I was under at this last job. I did talk to my cardio about it on Saturday when I volunteered in ICU and he said next time I have an episode like that to call him personally and he would meet me at the ER. It's not fun being jerked around and I feel so sorry for you.
Well Folks....I went to see the Dr. who dumped me and I am going to give him another chance...I did however, read him and all the other involved Cardiologists the riot act and Dr. Eddinger did agree that the med that I was on caused me the problems that I have been having.....so now I am starting on Rythmol (Generic name: Propafenone)...we shall see how this works....Thank Yall for your encouragement! Harrybaby
Harry, are they putting you in the hospital to go on the Rhythmol? Glad they are finally getting their acts together!

Hi Harry
I am reading these threads and praying for you right now. Is there someone there acting on your behalf?

No Starburstcoral....what it took was for me to get angry with them. i was not rude, nor did I swear, but I did make it well known that I was, and I am still not happy with the actions of Dr. Eddinger or his collegues. There was no excuse for their actions and Dr. Briggs had the gumption to belittle my cardiologist in Boston by calling her "not a real cardio, but just a fellow". I was livid...still am...but going to move on hopefully.
Well Folks....I went to see the Dr. who dumped me and I am going to give him another chance...I did however, read him and all the other involved Cardiologists the riot act and Dr. Eddinger did agree that the med that I was on caused me the problems that I have been having.....so now I am starting on Rythmol (Generic name: Propafenone)...we shall see how this works....Thank Yall for your encouragement! Harrybaby

Interesting. I don't recall seeing that drug (either the Name Brand or Generic) mentioned here before (but I don't read everything either). A Google Search revealed it is indeed used for treating A-Fib and A-Flutter so I learned something today.

Did you ask any of these Doctors about Sotalol or Amiodarone? Those are the more commonly used drugs?
There is a new 'Amiodarone Lite' which claims to have fewer side-effects (it's name isn't coming into my head now...)

Here's hoping this new drug will work for you Harry!
