Do you have any friends or family nearby who can run interference for you? Or maybe a friend of a friend? I agree you need to try to get a hold of the good Doctor (Danford I think you said?) and let him know what a runaround you have been given. If all else fails, just happen to be visiting someone in another town (even a pretend someone, LOL) that has a better hospital, etc and go to ER there, and just give them Danford's name, not anyone else's.
If you have been keeping any copies of tests, diagnoses, etc that show you have A-Fib and it is causing CHF (pretty scary that an ER cannot even recognize that), carry those with you wherever you go, small briefcase or tote or whatever. I am beyond appalled that you've had such incompetent medical care, so your best revenge is survive, thrive and tell them later they can go jump in a lake (or wherever else you want to direct the bozos). Where exactly are you, maybe someone else on the forum is nearby?