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Me? Do something to your post? Nah.

I collect them from where ever I may be and see something I like and think I'll use sometime. :D
We use Photoshop 6 and 7 here at the newspaper, G4 Macs (my wife just got a G6, I think it's a 6, with Photoshop 7 and it's real slick, she's a layout editor) and a nice Epson flatbed.

Love playing with the toys.

We get a lot of REALLY REALLY bad submitted photos that have to be run in the paper. I'll get handed something to "work your magic" on and when I'm done I usually tell the person who gave me the photo not to tell anyone I can do such things!!!

The worst stuff to scan are drivers license's, anything that's been through the wash, postage stamp size photos, and the dreaded, "dageurotype dartboard" which is usually an older, almost "antique" photo that's been exposed to light too much, folded and crinkled into one twentieth it's size, and used as a dartboard.

No s&&t.

I actualy got a photo like that, with small holes it in like someone had it taped to their dartboard. It was also ripped about half way through and had been wet at some point and faded and scratched and it wasn't a great photo to begin with, out of focus and poorly lit.

I have the raw scanned photo and the finished one in my portfolio some where.... =)

A lot of photos from the 60's and 70's have some pretty bad color problems going on, those are fun too...

There's all kinds of cool stuff you can do with Photoshop.
DW/E.....Mr Ben...that's easy

DW/E.....Mr Ben...that's easy

.....I know what DW/E stands for.......Dirty weekend.

Now Mr Harpoon.....since you're into scanners and stuff I'm sure you know about drivers.....

....any idea what TWAIN stands for?

Lemme know.....Cheers

Too Weak And In Need

Question: What is TWAIN an acronym for?

Answer: An image capture API for Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating systems. The standard was first released in 1992, and is currently ratified at version 1.9 as of January 2000. TWAIN is typically used as an interface between image processing software and a scanner or digital camera.

The word TWAIN is from Kipling's "The Ballad of East and West" - "...and never the twain shall meet...", reflecting the difficulty, at the time, of connecting scanners and personal computers. It was up-cased to TWAIN to make it more distinctive. This led people to believe it was an acronym, and then to a contest to come up with an expansion. None were selected, but the entry "Technology Without An Interesting Name" continues to haunt the standard. "

(Borrowed with permission from The Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing).
Awe Ross you beat me to it. I should never go to sites like that I get sidetracked reading all the stuff there:rolleyes: (Its an interesting site)

Can anyone guess what CRAFT stands for? It was introduced to me by a little 70-year old Liverpudlian lady (as in "I'm having a CRAFT day") - I was a bit shocked when she told me what it meant!!
Clue: might be a handy excuse for "pumpheadedness".....
BTW, what's the MAO in ROTFLMAO??


That Ross guy is just toooooooo smart....he knows the answer to all my questions - suppose that's why he's the Moderator and I'm just feeling my way through this technological maze and learning a snippet here and there...

I was reliably informed by some of my friends in the Fuji-film Corporation that TWAIN stood for 'Technology Without An Interesting Name.' I wasn't sure if I should believe them or if they were trying to turn the tables on an Irishman who has often tried to play practical jokes on them in the past....

So in asking the question here, I have found the answer...

Ohhhhh, Gemma, ROTFLMAO...well, lets think.....'Rolling on the floor laughing my 'posterior' off' is as close as I can get it without Mr Moderator becoming upset. I'm sure you can figure it out now.

I don't know what CRAFT means, but if you tell me I'll tell you what SSOB stands

Hi Billy,
Thanks - I figured it out just after clicking on "submit reply" actually!!
OK - CRAFT means Can't Remember A F***ing Thing - see why it was a surprise coming from such a sweet little old lady!!
SSOB - think I can guess, but tell me anyway!!
Re: SmartyPants

Re: SmartyPants

Billy said:
I was reliably informed by some of my friends in the Fuji-film Corporation that TWAIN stood for 'Technology Without An Interesting Name.' I wasn't sure if I should believe them or if they were trying to turn the tables on an Irishman who has often tried to play practical jokes on them in the past....

It appears that what they told you still holds true. See the addition in my post above!
Hi Bill -
A "bikkie" is the equivalent of a "cookie" .....and of course a "bikie" is the scary dude on a bike. :D My favourite bikkies are pfeffernus (???) which are yummy german gingerbreads covered in a white icing - they kinda look like button mushrooms.

....and while we're talking acronyms, anyone know what "FITH" stands for...? Those of you recently out of surgery might have had some experience with it.

Anna : )
Ahhhh......... no! I'm really not even sure I want to ask about that one!!!

A : )
*blushing* ....


My guess - having recently had surgery - is:

F**k It This Hurts!
Funny, Funny! Also there is an amusement ride down at Branson, MO at Silver Dollar City that is called Fire In The Hole. It's like you're going through burning buildings. Scary! !
Thanks Ross.....

Thanks Ross.....

...good to know that those nice Fuji people were not winding me up. I had been to the website but now that you have posted the extract, Bonnie will know all about it as well.:D

Gemma.....I thought you'd probably know SSOB but here refers to the Sorry Son of a female dog....

...the thinking I have to do in an effort to avoid raising Ross's blood pressure......:D ;)

OK...I'm thru asking questions....getting too dangerous :eek: :eek: ;)

Oh Bill!! Not to diminish what you've just been through, but I did have a hearty chuckle at your response :D

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of pumpheadedness - F****d in the Head!! Not that I think that about anyone here, but it's a great one to use if your talking with some arrogant, pretentious, slaphead - you just say in your most awe-inspired voice " - you're really FITH about that!..". Of course, being that they are arrogant, pretentious, slapheads, they would never admit they don't know what you are talking about, agree with you all over the place, then spend several hours trying to find out what FITH means (..OK, this is my little fantasy - just run with it!!..).

Gemma - love the CRAFT thing. I can SO relate!!

Cheers all
Anna : )
Sorry, Anna! :p

that was just the first thing that popped into my head
--*remembering chest tubes*--

I may have said something remotely similar to the ICU nurse on duty that morning after the surgery.

I liked the CRAFT thing too, but you and I are both too young to be able to use it with any credibility! :rolleyes:


Yes, Bill, I think you may be right - far too young to suffer from CRAFT! It has also been referred to as "having a senior moment"!!!
So why do I keep forgetting what I'm saying half way through a sentence??:D :D :D
My old choir director at the church I work at, used to have a t-shirt that said "CRS" on it. Someone had it made for her. She would often say "My CRS is acting up."

-Can't Remember S**t-

Any of our military people here should be able to contribute.

Such as SNAFU - Situation Normal All "Fowled" Up
or a Charlie Foxtrot - what happens when a bunch of know-it-all officers try to do something and "mess" it up.

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