Focus on how lucky you (and we) are
Focus on how lucky you (and we) are
Just had my surgery last week, so am now a veteran of this lol. Lots have already told their stories, and I'll add mine too. But first, I say focus on the day & age we live in and how lucky we are. If we all lived 50 years ago instead of now, it's scary to think how many of us in this forum would still be around by now. But since we live now instead, we are all still here, and doing well. Today's medicine is simply amazing. We all know how scary this condition is, but as someone said, the best thing to do is to just keep busy and not let it affect your life until it's time.
So here's my story - don't know how similar or different it is to yours, but might be parts you can relate to. I've known since I was 12 (I'm 49 now) that I'd have to have the surgery sometime in my 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s. While I always had symptoms (not as much stamina as I should have had, skipped beats) it was really only in the last 5 years or so that I really started worrying about it. They thought it was time for me to start having annual echo's. About 2 years ago I had my first real scary thing happen (almost collapsed on baseketball court). Then, about a year ago the same thing happened again. Of course, it took me almost another year to go in for my next echo - trying to delay it as long as I could - 'cause I figured it was time. But finally decided the symptoms were getting too much to ignore (shortness of breath, back pain and chest pain, light-headedness and more missed beats). So went in for echo in March, and not surprisingly, he figured it was time too - but had me go in for an angiogram a few wks later to confirm because the echo still wasn't showing much difference (never showed much difference from year to year). The angio confirmed it was time and the rest is history (surgery last week and doing great). So don't be scared. Since you can't control when it's time, just focus on other things until then. And when it is time, you'll be fine - today's medicine is simply amazing!