I just wanted to post to let you all know that I am trying to take your advice and focus on today and how by living today I will move on to tomorrow and so forth and eventually things will work out as they ae supposed. I am also making lists of things I would like to get for my apt. room when I move in two weeks and things I will need for school and this has cheered me up a little to b/c I know I can't afford them today but maybe next week or the week after. I also am in teh process of looking for a new job closer to school and my apt. and although this is steessful I have decided to try and make it fun. Yesterday I had one episode of tachycardia atleast that I wrote down and stopped for - my puolse was around 120 for 10 or ore min. but I just tried to take ti easy at work during that time and one small short episode of chest pain which I also wrote down I am going to keep a log from yesterday to next tuesday to show to my NP and see if there isnt something else I can try.. This can be really bothersome and I do hope she can do something for me.. Blessings to all, Erica