List of veggies to avoid due to Coumadin?

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Hi Daniel,

If you are interested in knowing which foods are high in Vitamin "K" the link that DrAllen gave you to the USDA is great, although hard to navigate.

I took the direct link from the site and pasted it below. This should take you directly to the Vit K Table. I have used this table for years, and Dr Allen's link provided me with an updated listing.

The link is:

You will also need to know exactly what the measures are for Low, Medium and High content are:

Low ='s Less than 30 ug/100g
Medium ='s between 30 and 150 ug/100g
High ='s greater than 150 ug/100g

Knowing these will help you interpret the Vitamin K table.

I hope this helps.

My wife keeps a bag of Brussel's Sprouts in the freezer. I think she eats them on the sly when I'm not home for supper.
On a related note, if you want to see a list of herb interactions with Coumadin, do a google search for "coumadin and herb interactions". There are several sites to choose from.
Daniel Kreimer said:
"I eat raw vegies and salads every day and keep it consistant. There is the trick."
Can you explain a little bit more what the idea of consistent is, please?
On the other hand my primary doctor insists on avoiding vit K ("you can live w/o them")!!

I agree with Ross, your PCP is giving you BAD ADVICE!

One of our members wrote an interesting explanation which I will try to replicate:

If you eat avoid Vitamin K and then consume a moderate to large dose, it's like being in a Dark Room and turning ON the Light.

If you eat a "consistent" amount of Vitamin K, and then consume a moderate to large dose, it's like being in a room with a 50 Watt lightbulb on and switching to 100W, a relatively SMALL difference.

'AL Capshaw'
Georgia said:
Two people in a row love brussels sprouts?
Count me in. I totally love brussel sprouts, especially when you serve them with rasped nutmeg on top of them. Some people find brussel sprouts "bitter", but you need to give it some time to appreciate these little round critters. Once you have acquired the skill, you will be forever hooked on brussel sprouts. :)
What about sushi?

What about sushi?

I've avoided sushi w/ seaweed postsurgery since I think a big tidal wave of K from the seaweed wouldn't be such a good idea.

I don't eat sushi every day, or nearly frequently enough to have titrated my dose around it.

Any comments?:confused:

Oh, baby - seaweed - right up there with brussels sprouts for me. Ack.

Here's a case where if you're eating stuff with Vit K, you probably won't have a problem with the addition of some more.

I know seaweed's high, but there's no reason why you can't have some sushi and enjoy it - back off on salads for a couple of days if you're concerned.

Activity level changes cause more problems than fluctuating Vit K intake (within reason, of course). And that whole stomach flu business - that can really cause havoc.
I've always hated cabbage,spinach, broccoli,sprouts,lettuce other than white, sushi, seaweed, parsley and in general all the big providers of vit K, so I am not going to miss them at all!
I spent 50 years without them and nothing happened!
I am going to stick to medium and low Vit K providers like tomato, etc.
I have a theory that one of the things that throws warfarin off is iodine and its effect on the thyroid. If this is the case then the iodine in seaweed might be a bigger factor than vitamin K.
Ross said:
I love brussel sprouts and if you follow the naysayers guidelines, you may only have 5 at one serving. BET ME! You think I'm settling for 5 of them bad boys? :D

Guess that was you I saw getting some roasted brussel sprouts to go at Central Market near downtown Fort Worth yesterday, huh?
Man was getting a huge container of the little things -- about 2-3 pounds worth, I'd guess. Deli clerk said, "I guess you like brussel sprouts." Man said, "I LOVE them!"

I have a recipe for steamed brussel sprout leaves sauteed in butter with chopped cranberries added. Great for Christmas & Thanksgiving.
allodwick said:
I have a theory that one of the things that throws warfarin off is iodine and its effect on the thyroid. If this is the case then the iodine in seaweed might be a bigger factor than vitamin K.
By the way I take Synthroid for hipothyroidism, do you know about a bad interaction between Synthroid & Coumadin?
Daniel Kreimer said:
By the way I take Synthroid for hipothyroidism, do you know about a bad interaction between Synthroid & Coumadin?

Daniel, here's a clip from Al's website (make sure you bookmark this site - you'll find it very useful)


Brand Names: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levo-T, Eltroxin, Levothroid, Thyrox
If you are taking warfarin and start taking levothyroxine, you can expect your INR to rise. This means that you will have an effect as if you had increased your dose of warfarin. To make sure that your INR does not get high enough to cause bleeding problems, you should have your blood checked. Your dose of warfarin may need to be adjusted downward.

If you are taking warfarin and levothyroxine, and stop the levothyroxine, you can expect your INR to drop. This means that you will have an effect as if you had decreased your dose of warfarin. To make sure that your INR does not go low enough to cause a clotting problem, you should have your blood checked. Your warfarin dose may need to be adjusted upward.

It is very important to remember that stopping an interacting medication can have adverse effects. Many people overlook this fact. Think of warfarin as sitting on one side of a teeter-totter. Whatever you do to one side will affect the other side.
Like I said in another thread, I eat all kinds of foods, alot of salads, sometimes inconsisitent, but I havent noticed any changes in my PT/INR, but then again I dont always go when I am supposed too.
MikeB said:
Like I said in another thread, I eat all kinds of foods, alot of salads, sometimes inconsisitent, but I havent noticed any changes in my PT/INR, but then again I dont always go when I am supposed too.

Mike, you should look into getting a home testing unit.

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