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I hate to tell you to keep fighting because I know how hard you've been fighting. Just please don't stop. Fight until you can fight no more.
I think it's a very,very good thing that you are moving to Brazil. I seem to hear nothing good and everything bad about healthcare in Scotland. I get mad reading posts about it! I have a feeling you'll get better care in your new home.
`ll be having radio therapy nearly every day through the month of October and this should make me very tired.

Debora, I hope you will find that the radiation is much less debilitating than the chemo was. I had it for 6 1/2 weeks for the breast cancer and other than skin irritation and getting mighty sick of going there every day, I really went on with the rest of my day and didn't experience being tired.
Deb, ((((Hugs)))) and so glad you will be with family
Praying God does his miracle for you,all best wishes.
post when you are able to us.

zipper2 (DEB)
Praying that your outcome will come out better when you find out a little more information on what your going to do. Radiations treatment can take a toll on your body, make sure your taking good vitamins and eating good.It also depends on what dose of radiation you get on whether you feel alot of difference. They use lead of something like it to block some of the damage it can due to your heart. Don't worry about that as much as you feeling better and getting this lung issue taken care of.
God Bless,
Dear Debora, I am so sorry you got such devastating news. I am hoping the oncologist is wrong. I hope this is a comfort, I had an aunt and an uncle (not related to eachother) that were each given 5-6 months with metastasized colon cancer. He lived at least 10 more mostly good years, and she lived almost 20. I am glad you are headed home. Surely the company of your family and beloved Bruna will help your spirits. Love to you, your valve brother Brian
I'm very sorry to hear your devastating news. Chris and I will be praying for you. I don't know if you've done this or not, but have you thought about possibly the US for treatment? I'd be lying if I told you I knew of a program for sure, but you may even qualify for a research program. France has a lot, too, as does Switzerland.

Beautiful evening in Idaho,
So sorry to hear this Debora. I'll be praying for you, first that the outcome is far better than now believed, but also for the strength you need along the way.
Picking up the pieces

Picking up the pieces

For the past few days I`ve been working on coming to terms with this whole thing and in some ways I think I`m managing. This coming week`s going to be a busy one starting tomorrow with a ct scan to see exactly how this tumour is so that they can plan the treatment. Then on Thursday it`s the simulator for the radiotherapy when they`ll mark the areas to be tackled on October1st. I`m trying to keep my chin up as best as i can in the hope that this wil help me as I want my body to cope witht he whole thing. Meanwhile, Joe and I are carrying on with our preparations for moving to Brazil and within a few days we should get the tickets. I`m just waiting to hear from the doctors here when I`ll actually be free to travel followint the radiotherapy, scan and last appointment to hear what the outcome of it was. I`ll also be seeing my cardio here as I want to learn more about this thing regarding my heart. For the time being I`m trying not to panic so much as I can only dela with one thing at a time. Your prayers are very important so please, keep them coming.
Thank you so much!
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Don't give up,there is alot of hope.
Dear Debora I am so sorry and saddened to hear this latest update. I can only hope and pray that the extra love and support of Bruna and your mum in Brasil is exactly what you need to gain the strength to beat this.

God Bless my friend
I am praying for you
Please don't take thethe doctors comments as an absolute fact. Please remember you are in all of our prayers, and, never give up


I am so sorry to read of this difficult news you are faced with. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I hope the radiation works well on you. I'm betting going backto Brazil & your mom & Bruna will be a big boost for you as well. Keep on fighting. {{{{Hugs}}}}