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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
Austin, Texas

For those who haven't read my posts..I was diagnosed with severe mitral valve regurg with an enlarged atruim 3 weeks postpartum. My cardiologist said that I needed surgery soon. So, I assumed he was right and we looked up surgeons. I wanted Dr. Lawrie in Houston (he did Barbara Bushs valve a couple years back). We met him on 08/30/2010 and he looked through my charts and CDs of the tests...right heart cath, TEE and echo. Well, he sent me to get an echo at Methodist Hospital and the next day he calls and says that the mitral valve regurg has dropped to mild and my left atruim has severely enlarged due to the severe regurgitation that happened. He then explained to me that I have Postpartum cardiomyopathy (heart failure after labor). He said that I probably always had Mild Mitral Valve Regurg and that with the cardiomyopathy that enlarged the heart...thus making the valve release more blood and that's why the tricuspid and other valve was leaking mildly and the mitral valve was leaking severly. He stated that I needed to see a cardiologist that specializes in Postpartum Cardiomyopathy and that I do not need surgery. So onto another cardiologist.... May your journeys be filled with love and accomplishments.
Thank you Chris! I can't leave...everyone has been so inviting and nice. I will be a silent watcher and reader. ~Laura
Thank you Chris! I can't leave...everyone has been so inviting and nice. I will be a silent watcher and reader. ~Laura

You don't have to be silent either. I was diagnosed with MVP 26 years ago, and with Bicuspid Aortic Valve about 6 years ago. Neither have yet progressed to the point of surgery; I may be lucky enough to not ever need surgery. Whatever the case, I have found this community to be a source of comfort when I was going through uncertainty and it is now a source of fellowship I feel no need to depart from. Hope you feel welcome to participate as much as you want!
I hope you get good treatment for your condition, and improve rapidly. It sounds like you have a good doctor to start with!
You can certainly hang around - we get ladies of child bearing age all the time, and you may have a different perspective to some questions. Your participation may be valuable in the future, as you learn more about your illness.
Betcha there's a forum on your postpartum cardiomyopathy somewhere!

Sorry to learn about your health probs, but glad to see you don't need surgery. Good luck in future and come on back any time and say hello.

Yes, Laura, I agree with the others. No need to leave, in fact, better that you stay. There are so many heart issues and you can help be a guiding light for someone in a similar situation.

While the good news is that you don't need surgery, I hope that they'll be able to effectively treat your condition.
How will you find the expert cardio? Hoping all goes well for you but please do post again and let us know what you find out. Take care :)
Hi Laura,

Wishing you all the best Laura! I'm joining the other VR members. Please stick around!
You must stick around and help the of us out to help the newbies that come in everyday, or week. Need all the experinced help we can get. I am trying to help out, borrowing my brother's computer till I get mine soon. I will be here as often as I can to help out. It must be a relief not to have surgery at this time. Be happy and be good.

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