Lauren's Dad's surgery on Tuesday

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Jason, I am starting this thread a little early as I am sure you will be busy this weekend enjoying 4 year old Lauren and getting ready to have her nurse you back to health after your AVR and dacron graft on Tuesday. You have done all your homework and supplied us with a wonderful list of questions to ask the surgeon as well. You have our prayers and best wishes that all goes well on Tuesday and that you have an uneventful recovery. Godspeed!
I hope and pray that you have a successful surgery and a quick and uncomplicated recovery.
Jason ~ My best wishes and prayers are with you as you undergo surgery on Tuesday. I hope you have a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. Take care, Dawn-Marie
Thank you EVERYONE

Thank you EVERYONE

Everyone, thank you for the great support and the invaluable words of wisdom during the past several months. I will be checking into the hospital tomorrow at noon (they want me a day early so they can make sure they have a handle on my bleeding disorder), and I will make sure that someone updates this forum on my progress as soon as the surgery is complete.

Thanks again,
Late with reading your post,but not late with prayers and good
vibes being sent your way now.
Wishing you the best and also the smoothest recovery.

zipper2 (DEB)