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Yes, I have good news, I have lost some more weight. I am at 220 pounds now, making the loss total of 60 since April. I am walking more and keep chaning things in my diet. I keep hanging in there. Just wanted to share this with all of you. I have a six-month checkup with the cardio next month. I can't wait to see the expression on his face when he reads the weight. I will keep on walking. Take care all.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
hi caroline!
that is such great news!!!! bet you are feeling so much better too!
i hope you are proud of yourself; you certainly should be_ that's no easy feat!!
keep up the good work and please let us know what the cardio says!!!
be well, sylvia

That is wonderful Carolyn! You ought to give yourself a pat on the shoulder.
But now you've got to tell us all HOW you did it? Is it only the additional walking/exercising you did, or is it how you eat differently now? What did you do this time that made it work, because you probably tried many times and it didn't work? Do you spend hours and hours walking and exercising. How much do you walk each day and what do you eat? Do you starve yourself, or are you hungry all the time?
I have learned that in order to lose weight it is 80% diet, because exercising is a poor way to lose weight. How much can an ordenary person exercise each day and keep it up. Yes, it helps but it is more important what you put in your mouth.
Hard to do, because I've had a special week and had a few too many Margarita's. Yes, I blew it this past week. Hey, no wonder my INR was high. Forgotten to tell you guys about the Margarita's. I hadn't had any since the reunion in Vegas last year, cross my heart...
I promise to be good from now on. yeah, yeah, yeah...LOL!!
I expect a picture of you soon! Your doing great and I envy you. I don't eat and still gain weight. Of course my excercise routine is pretty much nonexistent, but I do what my body will allow. :)
Caroline, I am so excited for you. How wonderful this must make you feel - both physically and mentally. Been there done that once upon a time. Mine came off because of mental anguish, but it still came off. I was a whole different person.

Way to go Caroline - we're all very proud of you, and know that you will continue towards your goal. I'm still wrestling with those last five pounds and they seem to be really stubborn. If I ever get there, I'll celebrate with a breakfast that would make my cardiolgist cringe. Fridays Wall Street Journal had a piece that seemed to make sense. It talked about trying to eat more low density foods because you get filled up faster but with fewer calories. I.E. If you had a choice between M&Ms and chocolate cake for desert, pick the cake. Soups are good, salads are really good especially with the low cal dressings, etc. Keep it up gal - we're all rootin for ya. Chris

Way to go! I share your joy having lost 30 pounds since May. I'm now at 215.

Diet and excercise are my watchwords. Reducing food intake has been critical, but excercise is a real bonus. At 215 lbs., a 4 mile walk for an hour burns over 600 calories.

Caroline, have to feel so good, and you deserve it! You have figured out the elusive "Magic Bullet" that everyone is seeking, but once found, are hesitant to follow. It is basic must burn more calories than you consume. Exercise with reduced intake is the ONLY way to lose weight. "Dieting" alone doesn't result in an acceptable weight loss pace for most people therefore, exercising speeds up the process by burning more calories. You ofter hear the excuse, "I don't have the time to exercise". Well, if you find the time to snack and overeat, then you do have the time, you're just not using it wisely. Everything I have stated here is not casual observation, it is my reality because I live it every day. I'm a junk-food, salty-snack addict and it takes more effort each year I grow older to overcome the results of my weakness. It is not easy! Way to go are an inspiration!
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hi Tom - 30 pounds since May - thats a pretty nifty clip ! Congratulations. Maybe if I double my morning walk from 2 miles to 4 miles I can enjoy that sinful breakfast sooner. By the way, an Air Force Doc named Cooper wrote a dandy book that got at the entire diet exercise computaions and if I remember, included an estensive set of tables of how many calories the various exercises burned off. Sounds like good motivation i.e I just walked off three pancakes, think I'll go for a couple of slices of bacon !!! Keep it up Chris

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