Last week countdown. Still want a shirt?

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The t-shirt fundraiser started back in February and I have received a total of 68 e-mails from people who expressed an interest in a t-shirt/sweatshirt. I responded to all with confirmation e-mails.

To date I have received full payment from 41 people. 27 of you have not yet paid. I have to get the ball rolling by the end of this week so Friday, May 24th is the cut-off. If I don't hear from any of the 27 I can only assume that you've changed your mind. If you do not respond, your shirt order will have to be stricken from the list after Friday.

[email protected]

Heck...I will give you another chance and still accept e-mail from you stating that you DEFINITELY want a shirt(s), but your check will be late or you promise to pay soon. I just want to make sure you get your orders in.

Here's the 28 (please don't take this post personally, I merely intend to make sure you are getting the communications). If you are on the list and your check has been sent, please let me know anyway in case it got lost in the snail mail.

Gina Metzger (I know you're in the middle of a move so your order is good)
Jan Armstrong
Ben Smith
Lisa Cochran
Sam Sholz
Tim Correa(sp?)
Renee Lingo
Arlene Chong
Christine & Gary LaMonica
Linda Harvill
Mindy Niles (I have you on my list twice with two conflicting sizes)
Chris Ramcharan
David Balter
Barb Waren
Caroline Payne
Hazem Barghouty
Shontena Elliott
Sylvia Geren
Nan Hermus
Judith Anderson
Robert Francis
Heather Guillette
Joann Bos
Steve Wieland
Martha Weisberg
Nicole Demopoulos
Fred (just got your e-mail May 16)
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Check in the mail

Check in the mail

Hi Perry,

Just wanted to let you know, The check is in the mail and was sent out today and you should be recieving it soon. Thanks so much for everything.
Tee Shirt

Tee Shirt

Hi Perry!!! Remember me??? Anyway, I'd like to order 3 tee shirts (I guess X-Large) What / Where do I send my send and for how much?

By the way, my handicap is now 11, trending to a 10 and I may come to LOST WAGES to take on some VR.GOLFERS

Sorry, that I have been away for sometime, but to all my VR heart buddies, Gina, Rain, Perry, Hank, Lorraine, Dick, Billy, Janie, Bob F, Rob, Ben, Zazzy, Lisa, etc. you all have been in my prayers and I hope all is well with each of you.
Welcome back Bob!

Welcome back Bob!

Man, you HAVE been away for awhile!

How the heck are YOU? I thought about you often but you went away and nobody could find you.

Gina, Lorraine and I have been getting together off and on. With Gina moving back to Chicagoland, we should be doing so more often.

Congratulations on that great handicap. The league I'm in has a few scratch handicappers and many under 10's. I can't publish mine, but I'm working toward the "most improved" golfer award.

I'll e-mail you the specifics on the shirts to your new msn address.

Stay well my friend.

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It's about Time!!

It's about Time!!

Well Well Well - My main man Bobby. You don't know how much we have missed your ugly mug and words of wisdom here on the forum. Please do not deprive us of your presence in the future. No matter how %#&^@'d up things may get in our lives, we will always have each other. People outside of our experience do not have a clue what bond we have.

Remember my friend:

Strength in numbers, sadness alone.

I speak for many when I say we love you and missed you.
Helloooooooo Rev. Gleason!

So good to see you back on the board. I just may bring my sticks to Lost Wages, and donate to the cause. Perhaps Perry and I will both have a favorable handicap so that we can be competitive against seasoned golfers like yourself.

Hope you visit on here more often. You truly have been in my thoughts. We miss you around here.

hi bob!
we missed you! so glad to hear from you again... how are you? everything ok? feeling good?
please let us know what you've been up to (besides your handicap, lol!)
glad to have you back,
Hi Bob-

Nice to see you again. Hang around a little while, won't you? We'd like the pleasure of your company.
Hi Sylvia, Rob, Nancy, etc.

Hi Sylvia, Rob, Nancy, etc.

Been out in depression land for quite a few months. Still no progress on finding out what these TIA symptoms are all about so now I'm just trying to live with them.

I miss all you guys and I'll be "hangin' around" as best as I can.

Have a good Memorial Day Weekend..............I will be remembering in prayer some of my good friends that were lost in the Viet Nam War.........some that fell beside me, knowing that I could have been one of them except for the grace of God.
My 'dancing' partner has returned!!! We missed you. Stick around, not the same without you!

PS. Perry, I am so sorry. That check will get out tomorrow, first thing. Knee deep in boxes and my computer had a virus to top it off. Lots to do.

Anyway, I will email you again for that total. Please excuse me. My world is upside down!

Looking forward to getting together soon. Backyard BBQ! That is, if it ever decides to warm up.:eek:
Hey Gina!!

Hey Gina!!

I remember our first dance.............I think I do anyway..........Hope your feet healed up.

Thanks for your kind words. trying as best as I can to cope. Especially, as you may or may not know, that Linda left me.

Will try to make Las Vegas so me and your hubby and a few others can play a few rounds of "you know what"

Missed ya, too.

BOB! Long time no hear! We missed you too! Great to have you back with us. Please don't let the depression get you down! That's what your VR heart buddies are for. To lift your spirits. Sometimes we all need someone to talk to when things are down. Like Hank said please don't deprive us of your presence! WE Are FAMILY! OOPS! I think thats a song. :D :D

Glad to hear your going to try and get out to Lost Wages! You probably read us Chicagoland group are hoping to all fly out together. By the way, I believe your birthday and mine are two days apart so we must all celebrate!

Hope they figure out why your having these TIA symptons. That would be a drag.

Have a good Memorial Day Weekend everyone. I love the story Hensylee told about the story of Taps. I never knew that. I copied it and emailed it out to all of my friends because I was very touched! Bob, I can only begin to imagine what it was like for you in Nam. My heart goes out to you and to all that lost their lives.

Perry, I assume you received my check. I can't wait to get my T-Shirt and Sweat Shirt. Of course I'll have to wear them in Lost Wages!:cool:

Gina can't wait until you get back home! I'm still waiting for it to warm up! My family is suppose to have a barbecue tomorrow!
Take care!
You bet Ya Bob,

Get your feet warmed up.

Shadow Creek in LAS. Working on it. Supposed to be a great course. It may turn out to be a 'comp' too for 4! Would be wonderful. Have to see how everyone's budjet is looking closer to that time in the event it does not work out.
Keep you all posted.

Please know that You are in my thoughts and prayers Bob.