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:confused: Did I mark the date correctly?!
:confused: Did I do the math right?!

:cool: The 2002 Las Vegas Reunion is happening SEVEN (7) months from today?!

Hank, have you picked a hotel, casino, golf course?!
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Hey Hank, Tracy has a course in mind for golf in Vegas. Can't recall the name of the place at the moment??
We are in the Bahamas.He golfed today. Too big of a breeze coming off shore. He shot a 93, oooops. Maybe it was the Bahama Mama :)

We are both greatly looking forward to Vegas.
Okay! I am really going to have to try to make this one! :cool:

I don't do golf though, but would love to revisit some of the sights in the area.

So, God willing and the creeks don't rise! lol

Take care,
God Willing for Sure!

God Willing for Sure!

Hey Zazz,

I look forward to meeting you there. See you in October. PerryA
Viva Las Vegas-

Zazzy I am with you golf is a bore. So we can go do really fun things.

I will make sure that David and I plan to get to this one. Of course, i know he'll say that he has to work, but not this time.
I just realized that Oct. 3 will be my two-year anniversary since my heart surgery... what a way to celebrate!!! YAHOOOOOOOOO
VERY Cool!!!

VERY Cool!!!

Be sure you bring plenty of Tylenol along as we'll all be buying you drinks!!!

See ya there!


If possible I'm going to try to make it, too. It'd be great to meet everyone. No golf for me either, Zazz and Mare..but my husband golfs. I have to see if I can get time off from the hospital at that time. Will wait for more details!!!

Zipper/Joan *~*
Are there any details available yet as to place, numbers of attendees etc. I'm trying to get some corporate sponsorship to come and give a program. They want some hard facts to get the process going through their bureaucracy.
Only Hank Knows

Only Hank Knows


We're ALL anxiously awaiting further word from Hank on the Las Vegas Reunion whereabouts (exactly 5 months from now!).
Airline Tickets

Airline Tickets

Southwest Airline just posted $59 one way tickets from anywhere in the US. Need to buy in the next few days!

Is the reunion FIRM??????


As far as I know the Reunion is firm Oct. 9-13. We just don't know where yet. Chicagoans are going to try to fly out together (and party on the plane...uh, huh!).

We're anxiously awaiting Hank's plan so we can make our reservations. We will all likely not end up at the same hotel. Embassy Suites arrangement in Nashville was so sweat as we could all mingle at our own pace, over coffee/cocktails, whatever (no agenda).

Las Vegas will likely mean a walk or cab ride to the meetings/gatherings. An agenda will be a must (I am volunteering to design and have some printed up. We'll all be on the same page anyway!). I know that Al Lodwick wants to make a presentation.

I hope we hear from Hank soon.

Would advise, John and Joann, that you go ahead and make the flight reservations. Look forward to seeing you there.

attn: Hank

attn: Hank

Hank, I've been reading the posts and thinking that I might be able to go to Las Vegas. I've always wanted to go, but my husband hates to gamble, and he's been there many times on business, anyway, so this might be my opportunity!

Anyway, I was curious to see hotel rates. I don't know if you've been to this site: It looks promising and they have a special place for group rates (large-15 or more rooms/ small-less than). The phone number for group rates is 800-264-7527.

Is anyone out there in Texas, or Houston, and planning to go??

Thanks, Renee L