Larry King heart foundation

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Anyone see Larry King last night? He had Kirk Douglas, Sr (stroke), Kate Jackson (valve replacement) and Stallone/wife (baby heart surgery) as guests, plus doctors as guests. It was really interesting. The theme was heart health. Very informative show. My cousin's granddaughter a couple weeks ago had a hole in her heart repaired with the new way (not invasive) and she went home the same night and is doing fine. This operation has been around for about 3 yrs, but insurance cos don't want to pay for it because it's new (as in my cousin's case-they raised a ruckus all the way to Washington and got it done). A very good Larry King program. If you see it come around again, you might want to watch it. God bless:)
Missed it Hensylee.
Kate Jackson, valve replacement. Wow. Maybe we can get her to join our discussions.;)

Did they mention the valve type? She had breast cancer too. You know....she is the 3rd or 4th individual I have heard of with that cancer type and valve replacement. Wonder if there is any predisposition there?
Don't recall that valve type was mentioned nor that she had cancer, but I tuned in a bit late. Predisposition? Maybe. Never know. Would be nice to have her input here. Hollywood community is working toward heart health so maybe they will hear about VR.