Large swollen "lump" at top of sternum 2 weeks post op?

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New member
May 21, 2012
Hello everyone,

I'm a proud new owner of a St Jude's mechanical aortic valve and a new aortic root. It will be two weeks ago tomorrow. Over the last couple days, I've had a substantial amount of swelling taking place at the top of the sternum, above where the clavicles tie in. It looks like a very low adam's apple.

Whatever it is, it's not warm, red, any of that; but it is pretty tender, and getting to the point of painful.

I've had a few people tell me that it's normal, but I thought I'd ask a much more experienced group.

If this is normal, what can I do to help ease the swelling

Thanks in advance!

Everyone has that in varying degrees. My first surgery, it concerned me as I wasn't warned and didn't know what to make of it. It will go down on its own and most of us lose all sign or residue of it in different amounts of time.

My first surgery, it gradually reduced until one day I noticed it fully disappeared and I would guess it was about 2 1/2 months. My second surgery, I think maybe it was a few weeks shorter. It does gradually reduce a bit at a time so it won't stay the same size you have now for very long. The best thing you can do for and about it is absolutely nothing. It will take care of itself and you should just ignore it unless something about it develops that concerns you.

All best wishes for a bump free, easy recovery. :)
I also had the same thing, and it lasted a few months. I don't know why they don't warn us of that so we don't worry!
You may want to flag your doctor. The painful part means something may be amiss.
My wife had looked it up and told me the bump was normal right after surgery. But about 2 weeks after surgery, I did call and go visit the surgeon as it was getting red and warm, and he found there was an infection in the bump. He opened it up a bit in the office and cleaned it out and put me on antibiotic for a week and it took care of it.
You should probably let your doctor know, so they can take a look. There is a VR member how had some issues with a bump at top of sternum. So better to be safe than sorry. Best Wishes to you.
Sounds like it could be an infection. Contact your doctor. You might convince yourself that it's nothing; but if you're wrong, it could become a big mess. Too much downside risk to ignore it.
If you are just now developing this 2 weeks post op, I would definitely give my surgeon a call. While I had swollen bump at the top of my incision after each of my surgeries, it was there almost immediately post op and was mostly resolved by 2 weeks, not just then popping up. I would definitely want him to lay eyes on it to make sue it is not an infection.

As it happens I got a post surgical infection in my sternum after surgery. I however did not develop any lump till some months after surgery.

What you describe could be the normal swelling of bone that happens after bones are broken or cut. So like others say its common.

But I have found such divergence in peoples explanations of things as to question more about what you mean when you say a lump.

The best advise is to present to your doctor and get his opinion.
The bump around my incision looked like utility construction across a road, large at first, then gradually getting flattened out as vehicles continue "pancaking" it down.
Of course, you won't have vehicles :eek2: driving across your chest, but the incision area will eventually flatten out. :thumbup:
I think my first post here, in the fall of 2003, was on this topic.
Thanks everyone. I had my visiting nurse look at it, and he said that it doesn't look out of the ordinary to him, and there are no signs of infection... so I'm just going to keep on keepin' on, and seek attention if it gets any worse.
Sounds normal to me. I had one of those "Cardassian" (for Trekees) bumps on my chest for a few weeks post op. After 1.5 years there is no trace of any such thing on me.