Lance Armstrong's Heart

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
McLean, VA
% larger than normal 33%
resting heart rate 32
VO2Max 85 ( average man 40)
% body fat 4% ( Shaquille O'Neal 16%)

OK, let's continue to work on our "rehab"!
Thanks for the stats. Armstrong is awesome. We are all proud of him here in Indy. He had his cancer surgery at Indiana University med center. They same group of cancer guys who did my mom's breast cancer chemo! Same with that scientist who had to get rescued from Antarctica! She had the sme surgeon as Lance. Who knew Indy was so cool?
What happens when he quits racing? It all turns to fat. I had a friend in high school who was a figure skater (like Sarah Hughes, only she never got past the Junior Nationals). At the rink at 4am at the rink after school, she was totally skinny and muscley, then she quit in college and her metabolism caught up with her and she put on 80lbs!
Someone needs to write a book on how athletes get off of sports.

I am taking my bike to the shop for a tune up this week!

I heard a report that the French were very rude to Lance. Shouting mean things are him. Those French they are the worst. They are just jealous because he's so good.
IU is the greatest!

IU is the greatest!

Mara, I graduated IUMed 1952 and according to my heart surgeon ( who graduated IUMed 1969) I bleed Indiana red.He is chief of cardiac surgery at my hospital in Northern Virginia Inova Fairfax. He's the reason I stayed home and didn't go to Cleveland for my surgery. No regrets coming up to my fourth anniversary September 16. I just returned from my 50 year class reunion in Indy and was amazed at how the medical center has grown.Its one of the greatest in the world in my view. Have you read Lance's book- "Its Not About the Bike"? Among other things it gives a detailed account of his treatment at IU. Truly a great story. Lance walked out of MD Anderson in Houston when they told him their treatment plan would ruin his lungs and he would never race again. His family doctor in Austin arranged for him to go to IU and the rest is history.
I haven't read Lance's book. My mom has the one the Antartica scientist wrote. I will check out Lance's book. My brother graduated from IU med school in 1991. He is an anesthesilogist in Tucson, AZ. I think IU med center is one of the best. I used to got to Riley Children's hospital for my pediatric cardiology and I remember being one of the first patients to get an echo. IU was one of the first hospitals to get the echo. I almost had Dr. John Brown at IU do my Ross Procedure, but he does a lot more pediatric cases, and told me he'd probably have a surgical fellow do most of the surgery. I opted for the guy who did mine, also an IU med grad, David Heimansohn because he'd do the whole surgery.
Can't say I bleed IU red, I went to Butler Univ, so I bleed Bulldog Blue!
I'm proud to say that the Air National Guard 109th AW unit were the ones who rescued that doctor in Antarctica. They are located right next to my home.

It was a difficult mission. Flying into and out of Antarctica is very hazardous. No one thought it could be done.
I had my first catherization at Riley in 1968 when I was 15 years old. Fortunately I saw the light and ended up at Purdue instead of IU...;)
Butler Blue and old Purdue!

Butler Blue and old Purdue!

Hi Mara and Mark, At my reunion in May they gave us a guided tour of Riley. Its the best children's hospital in the world for my money. Hey Mara its OK to bleed Butler blue, its a great school and like Purdue they occasionally beat IU in basketball. Its interesting Mara that your brother is an anesthesiologist. I bet blue is not his favorite color!
Marty and Mark
Marty- Blue is not his favorite color for sure. He was leary of me getting the Ross Procedure because of the time on the by-pass pump. But, he thought everything went great and changed his mind after the operation. He has seen his share of bad surgeries. He does a lot of CABG procedures and has been in couple where the coronary artery was cut! Yipes.

Mark- Riley is the coolest.
My husband just finished his Master's degree at Purdue so now I am a Boilermaker fan. Still I have to say that Butler is the better school. This past year they beat IU, Purdue and Ball State in basketball!

Big changes at IU and Purdue for the football season. IU is getting suites and club seating at Memorial stadium and has a new deal with Nike, and Purdue is redoing the footbal uniforms to be almost all gold, Gold jerseys, gold helmets and black pants with a gold stripe. Plus Ross-Ade finally got a much needed renovation! I also heard they wre going to "update" Purdue Pete." Next time we are in W. Lafayette I'll have a beer at Harry's for you.