Ladies, urgent question about bc

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Yes, I was in the hospital the day before and then two days after. It was the hepprin drip....couldn't remember it untill you reminded me......I acctually talked the doctor into letting me go home early because I had a home testing unit and know how my body reacts to coumadin. The worts part is all the poking they do to test my inr level....but thinking back on it staying in the hospital longer and getting poked and prodded was totally worth it. Even PMS symtoms are reduced by 90%!!! I love it and recommend it to every woman if you know you don't want any more kids and you have a very heavy flow !!!
At one point in time I'd thought about having an ablation done. But the doc that told me about it apparently didn't read the brochure he gave me. Because right at the end it said "Not recommended for women with pacemakers." I'm guessing because of the electricity running through the device they use to do the ablation, but I don't know. And anyway, I'd still need to be on birth control, since I have problems with ovarian cysts and we certainly don't want to have ANOTHER one burst! So, even though people recommend not being on estrogen based pills while on coumadin, I am. I don't have much other choice...
hi sherry,
i hope i'm not too late, but i am glad you decided to go with a patch.
i have had an iud (copper T) for about 12 years now (i'm on my second one). i have varicose veins and did not want to go the hormonal route.
when i first got the iud_ and remember, i'm NOT the heart patient here, i had some persistent bleeding. the gyno told me that if it did not stop within a month or so, she would remove the iud. fortunately it lessened and then stopped after about a month and a half (i imagine that would be a lot of blood for you on coumadin).
although my iud has been great for me, i can't imagine someone on coumadin having one of these foreign things in them if there are other options. i've been really fortunate that this has worked for me, but i've heard stories (from my gyno and from friends, including my sister-in-law)where the outcome has not been so pleasant... infections (some severe), bleeding, perforations, even expelling the iuds.
i think it's probably safer to be more conservative (?) in this case and i'm glad you are opting out of it.

please let us know how things go.
be well,
some more thoughts

some more thoughts

I forgot to add a few thoughts. First of all no more bc or any other types of pills and less pills when we are on coumadin the easier it is to adjust coumadin. 2nd there are two types of albations one with a hot water ballon and one with electricity. I haven't been anemic since I have had this procedure so more energy for me !!!!!
I hope I didn't give the impression that women on warfarin shouldn't take estrogen based pills. I have never seen anyone who had a clot while on warfarin and estrogen-based therapy. I've seen lots of clots when women were taking estrogen without warfarin.
allodwick said:
I hope I didn't give the impression that women on warfarin shouldn't take estrogen based pills. I have never seen anyone who had a clot while on warfarin and estrogen-based therapy. I've seen lots of clots when women were taking estrogen without warfarin.
Oh, no! You have never given that impression, Al. But when I first started on coumadin, the docs at the hospital took me off of the estrogen pill I was on because they indicated that it would be a problem. But when I had the issues with the cyst, a hematologist said "You're already anticoagulated. I don't see the problem." Or something like that. It isn't the coumadin and pill combo that had them worried, it was the increased risk of clot with the mechanical valve plus the increased risk of clot with the pill. I figure the coumadin should help with both cases, so I'm not too worried.