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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Good News..Blood count normal..Sugar..glucose 103..normal......Liver panel..normal...Kidney blood test..BUN 14..Normal..:) :) :) :) :) Bad News... Cholestrol 221:mad: suppose to be less than 175.:mad: HDL (good cholesterol was 71..Bad was 130. Triglycerides were 102. good? nancy..Does this mean no more Possum pie?:p :p Bonnie
You can have as much possum pie as you want Bonnie, just leave out the possum when you make it. Chris


Increase your exercise 4 days a week working for 40 minutes to get my pulse rate to 130-140 range:eek: Does that mean I need to chase hubby around the house,yard 4 times @10 minutes each?:p :p :p Bonnie
No Bonnie - Thats four times a week at forty minutes each and the target pulse rate is for you, not your husband. :D

Possum Pie

Possum Pie


Just skin that sucker really good and rinse it off with hot water (I'm talking about the possum), then use my extra hot rub mix and massage him all over with it. Use rubber gloves, don't want to burn your hands.

Grill him outside on some really hot coals.

Should be just fine, finger lickin' good and cholesterol free. I guarantee!


I just read this thread to Hubby..and he said..If I got NEKKED..He would chase me around the house 4 times..:D :D :D :D Bonnie
Getting serious

Getting serious

What foods should I avoid...PCP didn't say in his letter. Meat? With no skin? Ross, I love oatmeal for breakfast. Been years but will buy some. I haven't eaten an egg in a long time. I like an English toasted muffin with Jelly..then a light lunch but big dinner at 6 P.M. Hubby always wants meat and potatoes.. Bonnie
Bonnie - While you're goin around the house, keep your eye on the grill. Wouldn't want to burn that big guy. Hope you're next door neighbors don't live too close !!! :rolleyes:

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