Kevin Is Coming Home Today!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hi guys! I guess by now you can guess that Kevin is coming home today and I am SO happy about that! In about 6 hours I will be at the Seatac Airport waiting to see him walk up to the baggage claim! SO EXCITED!:D :D :D :D Thank you guys for all your support while I have been in this hard time of my life...Evelyn, Nancy, Hensylee, Bonnie, Walter, Jim, John, Ross, Christine, Gina, And anyone else I may be forgetting. I am very thankful,a nd I do not know how I would have gotten through this tough time without you guys! Thanks!
So Happy for you

So Happy for you

Joy, Bet you are primping big time:D :D I know the boys are excited. Tell Kevin hello from all your friends. Bonnie
Hooray! Joy-

I've been keeping my fingers crossed for you that Kevin would be home sooner rather than later.

I'm so happy for you both. Does he know how much he's loved???

You really are a close couple. Have a wonderful reunion.
Joy, what good news! You must be sooo excited! Enjoy Kevin and we hope to hear from you in a few days. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Hi Joy,

I'll bet there will be some partying going on at your place tonight!:) :) :)

I'm so glad for you and the boys. The only one happier than you is probably Kevin. I know he missed his family as much as you mised him.

Have a great reunion!

Ron K