Thinking back............
Thinking back............
Katie has always been an exhibitionist. Erica, your post got me to thinking (dangerous, I know!
) and Katie really has always been a little exhibitionist. I was cleaning out my "sent mailbox" the other day and ran across this old post (two years ago, July 2002) to a pediatric heart group for parents of kids with heart defects..........just thought I would share it below. Keep in mind it is from two years ago. Last one for a while, I promise. We are bugging out of here to go to the beach for a week if Don's leave doesn't get cancelled. Take care, J.
Hey Gang,
I can't help myself - I have to share a Katie funny. Katie has been
infatuated with bandaids as of late. She takes great joy in helping to pick
out and apply a bandaid to even a hint of a scratch. She even insisted on
having a bandaid to cover up a red ink mark on her leg from a pen that she
had gotten hold of. Well, yesterday we were in the bathroom, and I was
picking up all the toys from her bath..........I swear I only took my eyes
off of her for a few seconds, but when I looked up........ lo and behold,
Katie's legs were covered in my pantiliners (YES! they were new ones!). She
had managed to get the backs off, stuck them up and down her legs, and was really quite pleased with herself. She pranced around the house admiring her new "bandaids" for an hour before I could convince her to take them off............
In the meantime, unfortunately for me, the UPS guy had come to the door and was somewhat taken aback by Katie in her pantiliners, as discerned from his wide-eyed gaping stare.
I just laughed, turned 5 shades of red, mumbled something about "the attack of the pantiliners" and "kids will be kids," and shut the door as quickly as possible.
Oh, well, I'm sure he'll recover from it ("Honey, you won't believe what I saw at work today!"), 'cuz I've been laughing about it ever since. Anyway, just one more cabinet I have to "Katie-proof."
Take care and God bless,
Janet, mom to Trip (9 &HH & one heckuva Bear Scout) and Katelyn (Katie, 20
months old) complete AVSD, DORV, L-TGV, reversed ventricles, BSVC,
PS,Heterotaxy, Dextrocardia, polysplenic,
and absolutely beautiful; BT shunt @ 2 weeks; cath @ 3 months;Bilateral
Bidirectional Glenn @ 12 months ;& Don (hubby) Arlington, TX