Katie's potty-training saga continues.........

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
We went to my Mom's lakehouse this weekend. Well, we stopped by the one quad-county Walmart on the way so we could get food, etc. Can we say crowded? :eek: I think people out in those parts make their social calendars based on their weekly family outing to Walmart!!!

First stop was to the potty secton to buy a new potty for the lakehouse. We found one, which we put into the cart. Katie then insisted on riding on top of the potty box in the shopping cart. Then Trip and Don went off to get fishing stuff............as always, looking for that one magical lure that is just going to have those fish jumping up out of the water in a desperate attempt to latch onto that said magical lure. :D

Katie needed new watershoes, so Katie and I went off in search of those. As I am bending down wading through all of the Wiggles watershoes to find her size, I am vaguely aware of something whizzing by my head!!!! I look up and Katie is butt-naked from the waist down, just perched so prettily up on top of that potty box right there in the middle of Walmart!!!!! The little bare-butt queen sitting on her throne - too bad it was still in the box!!!

We had put her in a pullup for the car trip. Well, she couldn't stand it being wet, so she had stripped out of her shorts, which were balled up in the bottom of the cart, and then proceeded to remove her pullup and throw it out of the cart. To top it off, Katie began fighting me and making an even bigger scene when I tried to put her shorts back on her. She wanted a pullup or panties and, of course, I didn't have any on me in the store. (In hindsight, I should have wheeled her, butt-naked and all, over to the fishing section and said, "There, she is your daughter!" and left! Anyway, I finally got them on her by threatening that I wouldn't take her to see the Wiggles. Then she starts crying, saying that I don't love her, and repeatedly asked me if I was going to take her food away! I don't know where she has gotten this, but lately whenever she is in trouble, she asks me if I am going to take her food away?????? I cannot for the life of me figure out where she came up with this one!!!! :confused:

So there I am in Podunk, Texas, in the middle of Walmart with a half-naked child perched on top of a potty box in a shopping cart, screaming and crying and asking me if I am going to take her food away..................I just knew that I was going to end up wrangling with a small-town sheriff, fighting child abuse or neglect or perversion charges..................sheesh! I was never so glad to leave anywhere in my life..............

Never a dull moment here..............
All that and no camera for a picture? :D

That was great! Kids can really make you freak sometimes.
Has she seen any shows where kids were sent to bed without supper? That's all I can think of for the "taking food away" panic...

To be honest, your story turned out better than I had thought it would. When you said she insisted on sitting on top of the box, I was SURE she was going to try to use the potty in the cart! :D Gotta love 'em!
30 years from now, this will be a grand memory for both of you. Kids are so much fun!!! And so frustrating!!!
Thanks for the great start to my morning. That was really funny.

When my son Derek was being potty trained, we were out shopping at Burlington Coat Factory. I was looking through a rack of coats and he had been running up and down the aisle to entertain himself. I hear a woman laughing hysterically and then hear "Mommy, potty." Standing 4 feet away from me is my son with his pants around his ankles.

Now that he's 20 and away at college, I just pray it's ot a recurring habit.
The Wiggles

The Wiggles

Hey Janet,
when you mentioned the Wiggles, is that the Australian Wiggles or do you guys have your own version over there? If it is the Wiggles from down here, I didn't realise that they hade made it big overseas! (We have been to many Wiggles concerts...I loved them just as much as the kids, especially Captain Feathersword's impersonation act!)
P.S Thank goodness that Katie decided to pee on her potty box when it was in the trolley rather than when it was in the car!!!!
Janet, this story made my day. I almost fell out of my chair laughing. What a site it must have been!

I could write a book on the embarrassing things that my kids have done in the past. Now I'm starting with the grandchildren and they are just as bad but it doesn't seem to bother me like my own kids did. I just laugh it off now.

Bless their hearts, like someone said "you just have to love them." This will be a good story to tell her when she gets around 16.


That was a great story. Kids can do the strangest things. I have twin granddaughters and they went through the getting nakie stage. My daughter and her husband were at Menard's and each had a cart with a twin. While they were looking, one of them stripped down. They turned around and there she was all nakie sitting in the cart. Left all the stuff they were going to purchase and took her naked body out of the store. This twin has always hated clothes and still will strip down to her panties if she is hot. Gotta love them.



This reminds me of when me and my sister were potty training our kids. She had two girls and I had two boys. She was sooooooo propper with her little girls. Teaching them modesty and whatever. On the other hand.... if I was driving down the street and my little boy said, ?potty?... I stopped the car pulled down his pants and let him pee!! :eek: She could not believe it! :D

Hey! It?s no wonder it took her longer to get her girls potty trained.... Kids that age don?t wait for a bathroom! They figure once they say 'the word' alls fair! :D

And oh yes it does work for little girls too..... :p I had one of those ten years later.
You'd better hide these posts really well. Otherwise, when Katie's 14, "Mom! How could you?!!"

I enjoyed the visions of "the queen of the shopping cart." Thank you for sharing.

Best wishes,

These are the stories we keep to ourselves until our children are in their teens and dating..... :D

Right now, my "darling angel" 4 year old Patrick is complaining MIGHTILY because he lost the TV remote this morning and I won't let him watch TV until he finds it. He's been wandering the house all day complaining, asking me to help him or just saying he can't find it. He's not looking.

Once upon a time we were at a mall doing some shopping when Patrick decided he had had enough of a particular store (I think we were in the Disney Store.)

I warned him about acting up and said we'd leave if he kept it up, which he did. I picked him up and placed him on my right shoulder (I'm deaf on my right side so when he screams, that's where he goes) and walked out of the store.

Once he figured out he was no longer in one of his favorite stores, all hell broke loose and he started kicking and screaming and hitting me in the face and head with his fists...

Whoah boy!!!

I set him down on the floor against the wall outside the store and just held him down for a bit, whispering quitely to get him to be silent. Someone from another store across the mall concourse came over and asked if there was anything wrong, I think she thought I might be hurting the child...

I said something "smart" like, yeah, my son decided he'd rather hit and kick me than be patient while his mother looked through clothes inside the Disney Store....

Anyone who has little kids has these kinds of stories and they're all cute once you've moved past the "moment" when tempers are flaring and you just want to get away! =)

Patrick's big trip though is flirting. He is a ladies man and I swear he could have any girl doing whatever he wanted. He flirts at restaurants with the waitresses. He flirts at the check-out at the grocery store, at the hair salon, the restaurant drive through, the TOLL BARRIER!!!!

The teachers in his preschool named him "ladies man" and they're right, he has girls following him EVERYWHERE!

This past weekend we were in Niagara Falls, Ontario for a family vacation. At the hotel he had five girls playing "ring around the rosey" with him in the swimming pool!!!!

I'm going to be in so much trouble when he hits high school. I'll have parents calling me all the time!!!!!!!

On the plus side though, he's REALLY good with people. He wants everyone to have fun and he really doesn't like it when someone else is upset or sad. He really does bring a smile to everyone's face and he loves doing it.

I don't think he'd ever hurt a girlfriend of his.

Granted, there may be a few broken hearts because he can only be with one girl at a time but........ :p
Thanks for your moral suport..............

Thanks for your moral suport..............

or should that be immoral support?? :D Your own stories had me rolling on the floor. I can laugh at our Walmart venture now, but it wasn't quite so funny at the time.............or at least I tried very hard not to let it show. And, no, Ross, no camera...........guess I could have gone and grabbed a disposable one and snapped a few, but then I probably would have been arrested for shoplifting on top of the child porn charges. :D

Thanks again for the empathy and the laughs. Take care, Janet
Thanks for my morning giggle.
Sure brought back memories of our now almost 32 year old son. On several occasions, standing in the check out line of the supermarket at age 5, he would yell, "I don't love you anymore." He was trying for a reaction -- my calm response (as I looked around for social services to take this child from me), "I will always love you." Now our son has 2 daughters -- and it is "pay-back" time. :)
You're welcome, Lab......

You're welcome, Lab......

If you would like some more, I would be happy to ship Katie to ya for a few weeks..............or at least until she is fully newspaper trained. Heehee! :D Take care and enjoy those grandkids...........
I'll take her; send her on up. She can teach and learn a few things from my granddaughter who lives by the motto, No Fear!
Better hurry, though. I've got to start back to school in a few weeks.
Karlynn said:
Thanks for the great start to my morning. That was really funny.

When my son Derek was being potty trained, we were out shopping at Burlington Coat Factory. I was looking through a rack of coats and he had been running up and down the aisle to entertain himself. I hear a woman laughing hysterically and then hear "Mommy, potty." Standing 4 feet away from me is my son with his pants around his ankles.

Now that he's 20 and away at college, I just pray it's ot a recurring habit.

Hi Karlynn,
For your son's next birthday, you need to get him the same card I got my son for his 21st birthday...On the outside is a pic of naked little cowboy, (from behind, wearing nothing but a cowboy hat and boots), and it says:

" Happy Birthday to a son who's outgrown doing cute things like this..."

On the inside it says, "You have outgrown them, haven't you son?"

Thankfully, I don't remember the following story my mom loves to tell, but ...
When I was probably 3-4 years old, my parents took my sister & me down to Sears in Dallas. Probably the only Sears back then, and it was on Ross Avenue, not far from downtown and Baylor Hospital. We were in the basement and suddenly I went missing. And quickly found.

Sitting on one of the display toilets in the plumbing area. Well, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go...

I don't remember the excursion, but my parents and my dad's brother swear it's true. And always remembered to tell any and all boyfriends on our first date.
*peers around room*


Heh...these stories...are....priceless :). He he he....

I needed that laugh ;).

If my parents have stories to share...they haven't yet. Maybe they're waiting for me to get a gf. As of now...they'll be waiting for a long time...heh.

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Y'all have me rolling on the floor........

Y'all have me rolling on the floor........

THese are hysterical! Marsha, your story sheds a whole new light on "public restroom!" heeheehee! :D

Oh, and that card is priceless! Fits Katie to a tee...........she loves to strip, in case you didn't pick up on that! :D And I loved the picture!

Mary, need your address to ship Katie - thought I would do it overnight express........ya know, put in a sippy cup, snacks, and, of course, the potty. Hey, that guy in Dallas did that and lived to tell about it.............

Cort, you wait. Your parents will come up with some lovely story when you are least suspecting it and at the worst possible moment...........

Thanks so much for the laughs...............we could probably put together a book here.................