Karla and Krista on June 1st

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Just wanted to start a thread saying that Krista (KristaDeann) and I are both scheduled for surgery on June 1st--she in Califorania and me in Minnesota.

We're both 40 (I'm two weeks older!). She's having her mitral valve replaced and I'm having my aortic valve replaced.

Thanks for all the great information and support. Send good vibes north and west on June 1st!
Best wishes to both of you for a speedy and safe journey over the mountain!
Best of luck to both of you and we'll be looking for your successful post-surgery posts.
karlaosh said:
Just wanted to start a thread saying that Krista (KristaDeann) and I are both scheduled for surgery on June 1st--she in Califorania and me in Minnesota.

We're both 40 (I'm two weeks older!). She's having her mitral valve replaced and I'm having my aortic valve replaced.

Thanks for all the great information and support. Send good vibes north and west on June 1st!

What surgeon is she using?
May both of you have a very easy surgery and quick & boring recovery!

BTW, Karla--
I drove through Fort Collins on Sunday. It had been several years since I was there. Noticed that one of my favorite restaurant chains has put a location there -- Mimi's Garden Cafe.
We went to the one near our house a lot after my MVR. My appetite was non-existent, but I could at least get a cup of soup and a side of fresh fruit. Something to keep in mind if you get into that boat post-op.
You'll Be In My Thoughts And Prayers, It's Wonderful On The Other Side Of The Mountain. My Husband Is 6 Weeks Post-op And Doing Really Good!!
Hey Karla and Krista,
Just want to let you both know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
See you on the other side of the mountain. :)
Take Care
Best wishes to both of you- we will look forward to all good reports!
I am glad you posted this. With Ross away, we are all discombobulated and not checking the calendar like we ought. Sorry, but thanks for doing this one for us.

My best wishes go to both of you as you approach the awesome mountain. Watch out for the truck, don't sneeze and please have someone post to us about how it goes. GODSPEED!
Thank you Karla for posting this ...that was sweet

Thank you Karla for posting this ...that was sweet

I was informed today that my surgery will be on the 31st instead of the first. I was originally scheculed for May 31st. and the nurse called me and said there was a problem with that date and gave me June first. Well today at my pre-op my surgeon said "I dont operate on Wednesdays" :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: So he set it back to the 31st. I dont mind I want it done and overwith it. This has completely consumed my life and I want my life back...Tick Tick Tick and ALL..

I am having my surgery performed at Loma Linda Heart Institute at the Loma Linda Medical Center in Loma Linda California. They are one of the top 50 hospitals...and do a VERY high number of these surgeries. They are famous for their pediatrics heart procedures. Im in very good hands. MY sugeron is Dr. Nan Wang...and my cardiologist is Dr. Ramesh Bansal (I just love this man!) He just went through a kidney transplant himself.

I will try to post again before Monday night but I just want to once again thank each and every one of you for your advice, your support, opinions....everything. You literally brought me back to the ground when I first found out about this..I hope I will be able to help other just the same.

See you on the other side... I will be waiting for you Karla....just look for the boot prints and follow those!! :D
Best wishes Krista- one day closer to a complete recovery! :) We look forward to hearing all good reports. Having such faith in your surgeon and cardiologist is half the battle.
All the best

All the best

karlaosh said:
Just wanted to start a thread saying that Krista (KristaDeann) and I are both scheduled for surgery on June 1st--she in Califorania and me in Minnesota.

We're both 40 (I'm two weeks older!). She's having her mitral valve replaced and I'm having my aortic valve replaced.

Thanks for all the great information and support. Send good vibes north and west on June 1st!

I wish you the best Karla. I have just joined this group tonight. I will be having my aortic valve replaced probably within the next six mos and I'm going to have it done at Mayo. I would LOVE to hear from you post-op about how it went and what you think of Mayo. What kind of valve are you getting? Good vibes are on their way.