Justin update

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2005
This really isn't completely heart related so thought I'd post Justin's latest update here.,

Justin is in Cooperstown!!! Really what more needs to be said? (Like THAT will stop me lol)This means so much to me, because Justin fought very hard,to be able to be there. I am just so Thankful.
He has been doing really well.He still his working on his arm movement, but he can raise it almost straight up now. He still has pain in his leg since the bypass and it tends to swell. So we will have to talk about that at the appt next week and see what's going on there, and of course he still gets tired but that is improving. BUT All in All considerring his surgery for the infection was June 29th and Cal's HOF ceremony is July 29th ,we ARE Blessed.
After much thought and discussion it was decided it would probably be best to have a wheelchair with them. It is a pretty long day, alot of walking, standing and lines and pretty hot. As I said to Justin, it is better to have it there and not need to use it much ,than get there and be sore, tired and miserable and not have it. Since his leg hurts when he stands alot or walks, he decided maybe it would be a good idea.
Monday or Tues night, Cal was on QVC for a special show from his stadium in Aberdeen MD. Rhys and Justin decided to go, it is about 1 1/2 hours from here. They had fun and it got them even more excited about being there for the ceremony. I thought it was good to work up to a long car ride and crowds. After the show, they raffled off 10 Cal special Hall of Fame caps and Justin won the last one.
HOPEFULLY they are taking lots of pictures, but I'm a little nervous, since I am the official family Photog, but I'm sure Caroline will get pictures.I am so grateful they invited our family to go with them. I really think this trip had alot to do with how well Justin recoverred thru all he went thru this summer. Thanks Hascherts!!!
Love Lyn and the dogs
ps I got the new Harry Potter book,I waited until the day they were leaving since I thought that would be the perfect time to read it.
The best news ever, Lynn. I'm sure Justin is making many wonderful memories and hope to see some of them posted here. He truly is remarkable- enjoy your book- you deserve a break!
I was thinking today about Justin's big adventure in Cooperstown! I hope he's have an absolute blast!

I've been wondering how Justin was progressing. I'm glad his arm is showing improvement. I'm sure several months from now we'll all look back and be amazed at the improvement! I hope he has a wonderful time in Cooperstown.
I, too, was thinking of Justin's trip to Cooperstown.

I found out the other day that Leo, a friend of mine from MD and a member of one of my Monte Carlo groups who I have met several times, is at Cooperstown this weekend as well :).

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"I think it's time to give this game a ride" ... John Fogerty ... 'Centerfield'
I am really excited for Justin. He must be having a wonderful time. Let him know we are following his progress and thinking of him.

re his leg, if they removed the saphenous vein for the bypass, he will maybe always have a little swelling in that leg. Mine was in 2000 and I get a little swelling and always will, they told me. It gets less.
hensylee said:
I am really excited for Justin. He must be having a wonderful time. Let him know we are following his progress and thinking of him.

re his leg, if they removed the saphenous vein for the bypass, he will maybe always have a little swelling in that leg. Mine was in 2000 and I get a little swelling and always will, they told me. It gets less.

Thanks Ann, Actually his leg "problem" is since it was his 5th surgery and where his heart is located (forward) and he builds lots of scarring, his heart was fused to his sternum.Last time they were able to just open him really carefully,but this time once they got to the OR,they decided it would be safest to put him on the heart/lung machine before they opened him (less pressure/blood in the heart ect).Durng the pre op testing, beside the usual echo,they did an ultrasound of the veins and arteries in his groin (where they do the cath) and neck in case they needed to use them for bypass.They used his right groin and they incision is about 3 inches (the tubes are pretty big and one goes in a vein and one an artery I believe.Anyway in the begiining the top of his right thigh was numb, which they said was normal, (and i thought a got thing since it didn't hurt) then a couple weeks ago,as feeling came back, it was sore but every once in a while hurt, and when it swells it is mainly on the front and goes about to his knee, it isn't huge swelling, but is noticable enough toward the end of the day when he is standing compared to his other leg. Really the most pain/problems he has since the surgeries are his leg and his shoulder arm area from them having to move the pec muscle to wrap around his sternum during the 2nd surgery.
I just spoke to them,(Lucky them,their phone service isn't real good there,so I can't be a pain lol)and theceremoney os going to be on "ESPN Classic", so I guess i should start channel hunting now.
Thanks again everyone. I know so many were pulling for him to be able to experience this.Thanks for all the prayers that got him thru. Lyn

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