just wonder how long it took you guys to feel normal again after AVR or BVR

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Oct 3, 2015
Dallas, Texas
I got my AVR on November 6th, and was pretty beat up for a while. I had to be readmitted on the 17th after going home for two days. Turns out I had over a litre of fluid in my chest. I can shower and dress myself and life is getting back to pretty much normal. however I am still pretty weak can't lift much, can't walk for very long. just wanted to know typically how long it takes for someone to get back to feeling like they did post surgery. Im sure age is a factor, I also turned 26 on the 17th.
Hi bcreyes. I had 1.7 liters of fluid drained from my pleural cavity 5 weeks post-op and another liter 7 weeks post op. That really slowed me down. For weeks 3-5 I couldn't walk down the hall to the bathroom without stopping to catch my breath. I despaired of ever feeling like I did before, let alone better than I did. Now I am 10 weeks post op and can't believe how great I feel. Getting the last of that fluid drained allowed me to be more active, which helped me heal even more.

Everyone here told me to be patient, so I tried to take their advice though some days it wasn't easy. The fluid has set you back as well, so your recovery will be delayed a bit like mine. Just give it more time. Rest as much as you can and you will soon be back on your feet. Keep us posted.
Nearly two years, but I had some bumps on my road this time.

Thinking back ro my 1992 surgery I think it was more quickly. I was going to Uni in 3 months after the operation. I recall a friend driving me for the first few months of being at uni. Probably a full year to be more well and improved than "recovering"

Walking up my hill was an early indicator of improvements in fitness compared to pre surgery (in 1992 that is). I was 28 then.
Everyone really is different and I am a little older than you but although I was back on my feet pretty quickly, and I gave myself a full 12 weeks off from work. But at the end of those 12 weeks I was jogging on a trrad mill. All that being said, I was really feeling like my old self after about 6 months. Just give yourself time and work at it.
I felt about as good as before surgery sometime around six months, but I was still recovering. I was still quite sensitive around the scar, still weak in the chest, and if I worked it too hard it hurt. By the 18 month point though, I was much, much better than before surgery, and to this day I'm fitter and healthier than at any time in the decade before my surgery. I had it when I was 39, and that was 6.5 years ago.

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