Just thanks

Valve Replacement Forums

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You know, if I didn't have this website to check in several times a day, I don't know how I would manage the waiting period for my own surgery.

All I can say is thanks from the bottom of my heart to ALL OF YOU!
I must agree with you! :)

When I can't sleep, which is or seems to be always, I check here and start reading. I'm so happy I found this site and the wonderful people contained in it. There is too much to say to express thanks to everyone I've met, so I'll do as I must and when it's done, I hope to be back here helping others myself.
Hey Ross,

You posted just four minutes after mine. So, all you people out there, that's just how important you are to those of us who are still awaiting surgery and still so scared and in need of your warm support (which is everything!) and your experience as well!

All of you who contribute to this website, whether you are an experienced valve surgery patient or you are awaiting and sharing your fears and questions, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE AND WONDERFUL for the support you give to everyone who checks in to this website! We all learn and draw strength from each other.
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Before you know it, you'll be in the position to help someone who is starting the process.

There is no help like people who've been there before you.
Absolutely, Nancy. I hope I can give support in the incredible and compassionate way you do!